What is your weather like right now?

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Middle of an ice storm here in west GA. right now.
Early this morning at the start.


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We're out of the negative range! It's 26°F! I just got out my shorts and tank top!
Some of the members here are from the South U.S. We may not hear from them for a while.
CNN says:

"More than 93,000 customers from Alabama to North Carolina are without power in the Southeast, power companies tell CNN. Most of the outages are in metro Atlanta."

"The storm dropping ice and snow in the South is expected to strengthen as it moves up the Eastern Seaboard, the National Weather Service says. Forecasters say it will affect areas across the mid-Atlantic and Northeast. More than 1 inch of ice may accumulate fro

"from central Georgia into South Carolina through Thursday morning."
Sloppy job of copy/paste from me.
"from central Georgia into South Carolina through Thursday morning."
Sloppy job of copy/paste from me.

Thank you. All of you who are presently affected, please take care and be extra careful driving. We folks up north are used to this winter weather and know how to function in it. But for the south, it is a whole 'nuther story. You folks don't even have the clothing for this. A heavy coat alone just doesn't cut it. Frost bite is a reality and can lead to amputation if not taken care of. And it can happen without you even realizing it. :angel: And one to watch over all of you. Or as you would say, Ya'll :angel:
Here in Asheville, the snow is piling up! Joy is all tucked up under her car cover, probably frozen to the pavement by now.

We've been out eating it and I like to throw snowballs at Azia.

We knew this was coming two days ago so we have plenty of food. We still have power, and we have a generator if it goes away.

With love,
It's coming my way, too. I'm recuperating at home and not going anywhere. DH should be home by 4 pm, before any possible accumulation. Wind chill in the mid-teens now.
Well then, stay safe, you and DH. Glad to read he will should be home before the snow piles up.

I'll keep my fingers crossed that you guys don't lose power.
Getting mentally geared up for another big storm. The noon forecast said we could get up to 15" Thursday into Friday! This is not cool!

Our condo association's snow removal contract includes up to 65" of snow removal in the base price. Up to today we were at 53". If this storm delivers as promised, we'll be writing some bigger checks.
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Getting mentally geared up for another big storm. The noon forecast said we could get up to 15" Thursday into Friday! This is not cool!

Our condo association's snow removal contract includes up to 65" of snow removal in the base price. Up to today we were at 53". If this storm delivers as promised, we'll be writing some bigger checks.

No offence Andy, but I hope it stays south of the boarder at least until after we fly home tomorrow. Right now it's 32C with a humidex of 42C. I don't think we are going to enjoy walking out of the Toronto airport tomorrow afternoon.
Well then, stay safe, you and DH. Glad to read he will should be home before the snow piles up.

I'll keep my fingers crossed that you guys don't lose power.

Thanks, TL. If we do, we have a generator, which DH has pulled out and tested twice this year already, as well as a gas water heater and stove, and radiator heat. So we're in good shape.
Just checking in from NC.

Left work and it took me 45 minutes to go 5 miles, which isn't too bad. Rob had to leave his car a half mile away, nobody could make the hill. Luckily he was able to pull into an apartment parking lot and left his car there.

Now we are just waiting for the ice, which is going to make things even worse.

I pulled into a parking spot at home, went to straighten it out and got stuck, :LOL: So both cars are officially stuck, but we are both home.
Aacck!!! Bakechef and Rob, glad you're both safely home! Some weather you just can't drive in, no matter how good a driver you are.
Aacck!!! Bakechef and Rob, glad you're both safely home! Some weather you just can't drive in, no matter how good a driver you are.


Yeah, there is no way to really drive well in this stuff, just try to keep momentum. Unfortunately with so much traffic it's tough.

Rob's problem was is that he didn't listen to me. I told him to wait until the car in front of him made a go of it, then if they didn't make it and pulled to the side, THEN go for it. But instead he followed them, and they STOPPED at the bottom of the hill to ask for directions! That truck didn't get any further being rear wheel drive.
Reminds me of a time when DH and I were in college at EMU in Ypsilanti, MI, and there was a huge snowstorm. There was a pretty steep hill that DH had to go up to get to his apartment; so did a lot of other people.

Everyone was getting stuck halfway up, so all these college students got together and pushed the cars, one at a time, up the hill. Then someone would leave and others would arrive and start helping. I don't know how long they were out there.

Next day, we were walking three feet off the ground to class on the drifts. I think that's why DH wanted to stay in southeastern Virginia after the Navy :ROFLMAO:
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Had rain on ice one night here in Missoula. I went outside (at 2 am) for a smoke break. I slid down the handicapped ramp to the parking lot. I didn't fall, but I couldn't get back up the ramp, either. From where I was, any door that I could get to that someone would open at that time of night had ramps. I found a bucket with salt by one of the doors and carried it by the handfuls (no scoop) to the ramp at my door. I finally got in after almost 45 minutes.
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