What is your weather like right now?

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I'm wearing shorts. Does that tell you anything? It's 68F right now and very windy.

We had some significant thunderstorms during the night last night and the rain gauge registered 2 1/2 inches of rain. The rain didn't begin until after midnight so it was a lot in a brief period of time.

Storms are predicted for us today, which are supposed to include heavy, heavy rains and more winds. Flash flooding is expected. I'm not surprised. Our pond is full to overflowing. The spillway is so deep Harley can swim in it. Usually it's not more than ankle deep.

Looks like Mother Nature is having a hissy fit over today being the first day of winter.
The ice pellets seem to be mixed with freezing rain now. I much prefer the ice pellets. This is what it looks like out my backdoor:


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That looked my my house last week, Taxy. It's all but gone now due to this rain.
I am not looking forward to looking at my basement tomorrow. I've got a wet spot starting already from the super saturated ground.
That looked my my house last week, Taxy. It's all but gone now due to this rain.
I am not looking forward to looking at my basement tomorrow. I've got a wet spot starting already from the super saturated ground.
Wet spots in the basement are never good.
It's wet here. Very wet. And warm. 58*. High of 65* today. Friend just left for Daytona. He had two choices. Down through Atlanta, raining all the way to the other side of Atlanta, or over through Asheville, raining to Asheville and dry the rest of the way. He decided to go the Asheville route. I think that was smart. Atlanta in the rain is never fun.
I gotta finish baking cookies, and deliver them. I take care of an elderly French woman down the street. Her son and I went to high school together. I'm sure she will be thrilled with the cookies. She can't say "Mitch" so she calls me "Meesh". She just had back surgery...so I'm thinking of making her like...a month's worth of custom-made to her tastes frozen dinners with all the things she likes to eat..and can chew. Probably be a better Christmas present than any store bought trinket.
That is so very nice of you to do that for her.:angel: You are her angel here on earth. Good for you for taking the incentive to care for someone less fortunate. Just think if the whole world did this what a wonderful world it could be!:angel::angel:
We woke up to 4F. There is a light dusting of snow over everything. The sun is coming out now, hope we can hit the double didgets today!
The Weather Network says we have freezing rain, but I didn't feel any when I went outside. We're expecting ice pellets this afternoon and evening, then it should be clear overnight and no precipitation until 26 December. We are also expecting wind gusting to 90 km/hr (56 MPH).

We had a lot of snow last night. In the evening it seemed to be mixed with ice pellets. Not nice for walking home from the bus stop.

Currently -8C (18F) and feels like -16C (3F).

Here's pix out my back door of the same view yesterday and today. There was some drifting.


60 degree (F)
sunny. Just all around gorgeous!!
Comes to a screeching halt tomorrow.
Snow and a high in the 30's. Gotta love the Midwest lol
My clock must be off. It's getting darker and my area light just came back on :huh:
I better check the weather and see if I'm still supposed to be here :ermm:
Right now it's 45 degrees, and still raining. 3 days now. I wish it was snow. Yesterday was so warm that DH turned off the furnace. Last night he forgot to turn it back on before we went to bed and it was 63 degrees in here when I woke up. That's probably why I slept so well. He keeps it too warm in here.
Yesterday was so warm that DH turned off the furnace. Last night he forgot to turn it back on before we went to bed and it was 63 degrees in here when I woke up. That's probably why I slept so well. He keeps it too warm in here.

We actually keep our thermostat set at 63* in the winter and 78* in the summer.
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