What is your weather like right now?

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I am just waiting for this lousy rain to stop and the temps to go up to the high 50's. Well, at least all our snow is gone. :angel:
It's sunny and +2°C (36°F). Snow is melting and not make icicles. For the next little while we will have temps just above freezing in the daytime and below freezing at night. Perfect for maple syrup.
March came in like a lion. It appears to be going out like a lion cub. grrrrr....


  • 2014-03-31 13.38.33.jpg
    2014-03-31 13.38.33.jpg
    105.1 KB · Views: 152
What a nice patio/deck you have there, CG - it will be so nice when everything greens up, especially with those trees in the background. :)

As for here, it's sunny and 70F, but a little 'breezy'.
We have a sunny, very windy 70°F here too! 70° is my favorite temp.
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What a dirty April Fools trick. We went from a lovely 70° yesterday to a windy 29° F today.
It's +2°C (36°F) and there are still huge piles of snow. The sun is shining and somehow, it feels like Spring, well Spring in Quebec. ;)
:LOL: I know, what's up with that?!? Down to 50F now, had to turn the heater on. :ermm: :ohmy:
:LOL: That's pretty funny. It's 2°C (36°F) here and I had to turn the heat down. I was going to say that at 58°F (14°C), I would be outside in a T-shirt. Well, I just went outside for 2 minutes for smoke, in a T-shirt. :LOL:
Why in the world do I insist on living near the seacoast? The temps will stay in the upper 40's along the coastline, but go inland and the temps will be in the high 50's. :angel:
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