What is your weather like right now?

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We're definitely not grilling tonight.


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Our temp is only 67ºF. today. And there is a cool breeze blowing. If you watch the Pats vs. Steeler game last night, we got a really heavy downpour. And it was so welcome. We needed the rain. :angel:
In many western states, the seasonal changes are so subtle. It's like, you notice it on a day when you see the sun's light rays falling slightly differently as the earth goes thru it's change, and there's a slight whiff of early fall in the air. Then the next week it's 97 F. :LOL:
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It's very refreshing. Currently 55°F, and I have long pants, a cordoroy shirt, socks and a jacket on. We'll be sleeping with a blanket on the bed tonight.

Next week it will be back in the mid 80's.
90's again today and THEN we get to where we should have been all summer, 70's and 80's. By Weds. we may even dip down to the 60's. I welcome the relief.
A nice 83F now, it keeps clouding over and getting sunny again. Hoping the weather system will bring some of the rain up there that the Southland has been getting. :)
Holy buckets! The thunder, wow! It's pouring here along the river, and a refreshing 68°F.
Nice, you two! I love thunderstorms.

It barely hit 90 today, low humidity and just a little breeze. This weekend is supposed to be a little warmer. Can't wait for autumn. :)
It started to rain about 2:30 this afternoon and it is still raining. I sure wish we could share this with the area's out west that need rain so bad.
Our rain started around noon, and has been sporadic. Now it's pretty heavy.

No walks for Beagle today! She is not a water-loving creature.
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