What is your weather like right now?

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I LOVE thunderstorms. And they're extra specially terrifying up here on top of the mountain. :) Almost no time between the strike and the crack of thunder.

A tree in the woods behind me got hit and cracked in half last summer. I'll try to take a pic later.

Florida gets some fun thunder heads. Here's one from Ft Myers last summer as we headed back to Sanibel.

Oh yeah. It rains pretty much every day in Florida, if only for a few minutes.

I spent three weeks down there last Spring, and like clockwork, it would storm for about 20 minutes in the middle of every afternoon. Then came the sun, and about 98-percent humidity. :mad:

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It is currently 72F at the doghouse at 8:35PM. That is not a typo. It got up to 81F this afternoon. It looks like two more days of unseasonably warm weather, then back to rain and highs in the 40s and 50s.

44F here now at almost 7PM....cold, windy, and been raining all day again.

One good thing though....lots of snow coming down a little north of here. :)
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44F here now at almost 7PM....cold, windy, and been raining all day again.

One good thing though....lots of snow coming down a little north of here. :)

Glad to hear about the snow. You Californians depend on a good snow pack in the mountains for your summer water. Here in North Texas, we depend on good winter rains to fill the man-made lakes, to get us through the hot, dry summers.

Thanks, Casey...yes, I guess precipitation is welcome! I just heard that only 60 miles north of here, 12" of snow is expected this evening. Holy cow. :ohmy:
We've been getting thundersneet here along the river. Thunder, lightning, rain, sleet, snow all at once. And it's busily freezing from slushy to crunchy and very very slick. Schools let out early today, and anticipate a late start tomorrow. Yuck.
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More weird weather. The high was 71F today and the low is forecast to be 29. It's supposed to be 74 Thursday and 39 Saturday :ohmy: I'm going to defrost a pork shoulder and make posole verde this weekend.
It is 71F at 11:30PM. The high was 75F.

One more day in the 70s, then a gradual march down to 45F for the high by Saturday. :(

After 3 days in the 50s and all the snow melting causing heavy flooding, we are now having freezing rain. I wish I had my ice skates.
So I'm driving to work this morning and listening to the local radio. The weather gal said "It's 15 degrees below normal temps here in downtown L.A. this morning, currently at 45 degrees, BRUTAL COLD!" :LOL: :LOL:
RF, it was 37 degrees in Santa Paula when I got up this morning. Brrrrrr...bad for the lemons and avocados in these parts. What a bright sunny day though, with snow on the mountians.
Partly sunny and 72 here right now. The maple tree is starting to bud out.
Pretty, GG! My trees haven't started budding yet and won't until at least late March. Maples must be early budders. :)

43F and sunny now at 4:30PM, supposed to get down to the 20's in the wee hours. Brrr.....

I had to go into town this morning - I wouldn't have bothered, except there are several family and friends Feb. birthdays coming up and I had to get cards and get them in the mail. I grabbed this pic of the southern Sierras this morning from my phone while I was out. Kind of blurry....it was prettier in real life. :LOL:


  • southern sierras 2-6-19.jpg
    southern sierras 2-6-19.jpg
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It's not all that cold, -6°C, but we have freezing drizzle, which will be followed by freezing rain. Until this week, I had never even heard of freezing drizzle. It doesn't form the same way as freezing rain.
It is 72F right now at 11"20PM. It got up to 75F today. Overcast and muggy, though.

Tomorrow is supposed to be different, with low 50s by midday. Low of 25F tomorrow night. :ohmy: Friday, mid 40s for the high.

Gorgeous photo, Cheryl.

Tuesday was a perfect May day - almost 60, clear blue sky. I sure hope we actually get days like that when May comes around. Instead, we'll probably get snow to make up for this black winter. Wednesday was closer to normal - mid 30's and a bit of rain. Tonight it will freeze, not much improvement Thursday, but it will be getting warmer again. Then back to normal cold temps in the mid 30's. I'm getting whiplash this winter. :LOL:
We had tornado warning sirens go off about 11:30 last night.. Fast moving storm so it went through quickly.. Watched our local TV weather guy tracking the storm and telling people to go to their shelters as the weather approached their area.. Haven't seen the news yet this morning but, I don't believe any actually touched down..

A cold rain coming down gently now..

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