What is your weather like right now?

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some snow here in Hannover.. about 4 inches :)


  • Marienbergblick.jpg
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still buckets of rain - the pool is about to run over - the roads are a mess - over 36 hours of almost steady rain - sometimes downpour.
Cold and we've had rain all night....Quite a breeze out there too.

Cold. Freaking cold. There aren't enough words, appropriate or inappropriate to describe how cold! We're talking cold not measured in numeric temperatures, but how quickly the snot freezes in your nose when you walk outside!

Air temp over night was 5 below. AIR TEMP! That doesn't factor in wind chill, which is usually around 20 below or so at that air temp! High today of 15 or so, then down to 3 below again tonight.

Something like 8 - 12 inches of white stuff o nthe ground too.
Rain!! Rain!!It has been rainy all day. If it keeps up like this I'm gonna need a rowboat to get around town. The dog won't go outside. He hates the rain. The only thing good about the rain is that I don't have to shovel it. Currently, the temperature is 36 degrees F.
Rain and wind here in the valley SierraCook. It will improve and then rain again Thursday. It is in the high 40's now but for me that is cold.
BigDog said:
Cold. Freaking cold. There aren't enough words, appropriate or inappropriate to describe how cold! We're talking cold not measured in numeric temperatures, but how quickly the snot freezes in your nose when you walk outside!

Air temp over night was 5 below. AIR TEMP! That doesn't factor in wind chill, which is usually around 20 below or so at that air temp! High today of 15 or so, then down to 3 below again tonight.

Something like 8 - 12 inches of white stuff o nthe ground too.

BigDog, this might sum it up a little nicely for you... :censored: :furious:
DampCharcoal said:
Hey, Middie! I thought of you when I saw this. You too, Sierra and anyone else that might become snowbound at some point in the near future:


In short, it's a snowblower powered by a 454 Chevy big block with heated handles and all-wheel drive!

Warning: If you're stuck with 56k like me, the page takes forever to load.

I feel a Tim Taylor grunt coming on :LOL:
Wow!! We are having a heat wave. The current temperature is 51 degrees F. outside. It not has not been that warm for ages!! The skies are cloudy and sprinkling rain here and there. By the snowline on the nearby peaks it looks like the snow level was about 7,000 ft. This picture is taken from the back alley that runs behind my house and into the highway that you see in the picture.
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So much for a White Christmas! :mad: The jet stream is heading north bringing warm temps with it. I guess I can't really complain, it sure beats the massive ice storm that we had last year!
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