What is your weather like right now?

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It's been a beautiful sunny 76F here today. There's a really nice breeze that has just a little bit of that fall nip in it to make it perfect too.
It is raining... and gray... and cold. Paulie turned on the heat for the first time today...boo-hoo
It looks like the heavens could open up at anytime, but it feels AWESOME out, with a nice breeze to boot. I love when the kids go back to school, lets me know cool weather is on the way.
Glorious! The California coast has its best weather in late-September and October. This is from a few days ago, but today is just as nice:
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Here in Southern California the weather is great. The San Fernando Valley is where I live and it is in the low 80's.

At night it cools down quite a bit and there is no humidity.

Jill and Jolie
This is the kind of weather that makes me feel be glad to be alive! It's beautiful crisp and cool, with nights in the 50's, and days in the 60's, low 70's.
Pretty good breez today, there is dust in the air. Cool, night should be in the 50's

it's kind of storm here... we just got rid of the outer part of our roof... :mrgreen:
but we won't get wet, it's just the isolation... ;o)
gales at 90+ mph, we`ve lost some roof tiles already, a few friends have lost trees and sheds, one guy lost his entire roof!
the rain is on and off too, but comes down sideways when it does (and really stings when it hits!).
outside temp 9.2c
Oh, jkath, poor citrus fruits!:( Talked to our daughter in Los Angeles a couple of days ago. She and her husband were freezin' their baguettes off. And, to top it off, the heating in their apartment broke. They're newlyweds so they can keep each other warm.

We've gotten a bit of a warm-up here today. That, after having 20s and 30s. It's sunny and nearing 40 right now. We're told it won't last long since snow is in the forecast for the weekend. It's predicted but I never put much stock in the weatherman's predictions. I just look out the window. Sometimes that's more accurate.
Oh YT, those high winds are frightening...especially for the people walking the streets as the tiles are falling. Guess no one is mosying about though in that weather.

It is sad to see the California fruit freezing on the trees. This has been quite an ice storm but it just seemed to skip over Atlanta. It jumped from Alabama to east Georgia.

We are just having a grey day with an occasional drizzle.

JKath - I brought my Meyer Lemon inside and the living room smells so good. The corner looks just like your avatar. :)
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We had a drastic change in weather. We went from 11C down to -14C overnight and had a big ice storm. Some schools closed down. Not mine, but I didn't go anyways. :cool:
Right now I'd say it's about -3 or so.. and still snowy.
jkath said:

Here's a news photo from some orange crops near us.
Yeah, you could say it's been chilly!

We would normally be getting our oranges from Florida but with the hurricanes they started buying oranges from Texas and California. Texas has problems with wild fires. I think the other two fruit producing states are Mississippi and Hawaii. But Hawaii has had problems with volcanoes and I don't know what's going on in Mississippi.

We have a lot of peaches at the store right now. Can you believe they have advertised cantelope on sale and it's winter? What will we find in our Christmas stockings next year? (at least they now have enough people to pick the apples in Washington.)

Oh and by the way, we are just having a regular old January day here in Illinois; little cold and a little snow. Our weather is so boring that the weatherman was relating to the Illinois weather stories of the 70's. :LOL:
cara said:
it's kind of storm here... we just got rid of the outer part of our roof... :mrgreen:
but we won't get wet, it's just the isolation... ;o)
Wet and windy here. Cara, My friend lives next to Hannover and she was called to pick up her daughter from school early, apparently the storms are really bad, they are on 'Alert' basically. Keep well and hope the bad storm doesn't get to you. We missed it here I think.
it is hitting parts of Europe pretty hard, ours started here at roughly 4am this morning, there are cars smashed with trees, and roofs like Caras here too.
this weather lately is Well Freaky!
Bitterly cold here........32 degrees! I can only image the temperature shock for you and others in CA jkath. I heard on one of my shows today to expect the prices of oranges, lemons and limes to go up in cost because of the cold weather CA is having. The prices of green peppers is finally coming down here .....they've been very high since Katrina.

One of my aunts lives in Bakersfield, CA....I should give her a call and see how she's bearing through it.
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