What is your weather like right now?

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Well we had thaw, followed by -20, and now we are at freezing again, with light snow or rain coming down. Yesterday we woke to a beautiful red sunrise which of course turned to heavy cloud. DH gave me a S.A.D. light for Christmas, and I will tell you in a week or so if it does replace being in the sun.
it's a bit windy today and rather overcast. we've only hit 25C today :( I want summer to come!! - not as much as bilby's weather, but low 30's would be ok! There's apparently the chance of a cyclone forming out to sea (near Mackay), which will mean that we'll get some rain, and more wind - which'll mean the temps won't get very warm in a hurry!
It is about 10:30 pm now and it has started to snow (again) and current temp is 19F

The high should be about 21F tomorrow!

My dad would be saying his key phrase about now "It's colder than a witches *** out there!" haha
Hey Em! I would have been more than happy for you to take my place over the last couple of days!!!! LOL It's a lot cooler today, like the sun blew a fuse yesterday and hasn't got all the lights on!
5* F, feels like -13* F with a blowing snow advisory. Typical New Years Day weather for Iowa!
About 15 degrees, windy, with about 6 inches of snow on the ground and more coming down. Our snow service was just here (second time today) and couldn't get the truck and plow up our driveway. I guess they'll be back with snow blowers. At least I hope so.
Temp is 29 and snowing like crazy. Been snowing all day. got about 12 inches. Now I get to drive to work in it.:yuk:
I hardly even needed a sweater in December, except at night. We're starting the new year out a little colder though. It is supposed to be in the 40s F during the day. Tonight it is supposed to get down to 25. Tomorrow night it is supposed to be 19 and the next, 17.

We've been blessed with some pretty amazing weather this past week. Today, New Year's Day, my patio thermometer read 76 degrees and it was sunny with just a few puffy white clouds in the blue, blue sky. We took our dogs down to the coast for a nice walk and found that everyone else had the same idea--there were lots of people in shorts and T-shirts walking and jogging along the beach. It does get a little chilly once the sun goes down, though--it's in the low 50's now.
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It's meant to be 40C tomorrow (it's really sticky now) and our State electricity dept has decided it needs to do scheduled brown outs cos our delapidated electricity system doesn't cope when it gets hot. So they want us to not put air cons on and if we have to (!!) no less than 24C.

I'll be in hospital for lunch so their air con better be working cos it gets super stuffy in there when it doesn't. Driving will be good at least as they can't stop me using that aircon!!!!! LOL
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