What kinda vittles ya haven fur supper May 3, 2014?

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Look at the marbling on this bad boy. And just $6.99/lb.
I decided I'm going to grill it bone in. And the onion is prepped. I ought to throw that on shortly.
Yowzas! Nice Steakerooo.

Tonight we had rack o lamb, w/ roasted root veggies, and white beans au provencial....brie, and blue for dessert. Amaretto di Saronno going on now...


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Look at the marbling on this bad boy. And just $6.99/lb.
I decided I'm going to grill it bone in. And the onion is prepped. I ought to throw that on shortly.

That's a beautiful one rib roast Pac. Who's coming for dinner? I'd oven roast it, but that's just me.

Yowzas! Nice Steakerooo.

Tonight we had rack o lamb, w/ roasted root veggies, and white beans au provencial....brie, and blue for dessert. Amaretto di Saronno going on now...

Is it a special occasion Rock? What a gorgeous dinner, and you cooked the lamb just the way I like it. :yum:

I wore myself out baking today :LOL: so I sent Steve for KFC, but we'll have home made Lemon Brownies for desert.
Dang, everyone is eating lamb lately. It makes me want to give it a go with all these great looking pics.

Kay, it was over 2" thick so I cooked it reverse sear on the griil. It came out perfect. The onion was caramelizing whilst the steak was warming through, then I reversed the tables.

Bummer about the round steak, Andy. Is Swiss Steak in your future for the other one?
... Now I have to find a use for the other one.

PS: The steak looked nothing like pacanis'.
Swiss steak like pac said, or maybe beef stroganoff. I'd go for the stroganoff since I really like mushrooms.

Our bronto chops are on hold - rain moved in and out and in and...forget it. Leftovers it was! Chops and corn tomorrow.
Craig, pac, and rock...beautiful pics, they have my mouth watering. :yum:

Nothing exciting here - I ended up with a fruit salad of watermelon, pineapple, pears, kiwifruit, strawberries, and apples. I used up most of it. :) I'll probably have a bowl of cereal or a pb & j later on. :)
Sorry about your steak Andy. We had steak tonight too. Usually DH does the steak grilling, but I did it tonight as I was grilling the corn anyway. Ours was a New York cut, it seemed as though one would be large enough for us to split, but it had a pretty big bone, it turned out so good (wish I had taken a pic) we were both left wanting more ? we filled up on potato salad (first one of the season) and the grilled corn, which was meh. DH has made a rhubarb crisp, which we will enjoy a little later for dessert ;)
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I nibbled on my Knorr & sour cream dip with raw vegetables while I watched my Trader Joe's rib-eye cryovac steak simmer in my Sous Vide for 4 hours at 122F. (Well actually I watched TV and surfed the 'Net for the first 3 hours.)

Next step: Put a whole potato in a medium sauce pan and fill it almost to the top with water, then take out the potato and boil the water. Chop the potato and throw it in the boiling water. What a wonder, it doesn't overflow! ;) Simmer for maybe 20 minutes or until fork sticks in easy, drain the water. Butter the potatoes and pour in the cream. ----- I did say that I do not skin the potatoes, right????? ----- and mash it up.

Meanwhile Sous Vide steak is ready, it came out of the oven looking red and uncooked. I seared it on a ridged cast iron skillet perhaps 30-40 seconds on each side, rotating half way to get crosshatched sear marks.

Used my convection oven to heat the dish to 200F for serving.

Served the steak and potatoes on my very warm plate, sour cream and chopped green onions, salt and pepper on the mashed "rustic" potatoes.

I'm unusual that I gave up on supermarket prepared horseradish. Meh... I buy Japanese horseradish "wasabe" powder in large packages, and just mix a bit with water. It tastes just as good to me as supermarket horseradish, and the wasabe powder lasts forever. Best part, I buy large bags (8 oz?) at Asian markets for about the 4x the price as a small bottle of supermarket prepared horseradish, and the powder will make about maybe a quart of wasabe wet.

Yeah my horseradish is green but it tastes just as good as the white stuff in the expensive little bottle if your eyes are closed. And I eat so much Japanese food that having the horseradish green looks normal to me.

Anyway the steak was PERFECT!!!! And the mashed potatoes were RUSTIC!!!!! :)
Is it a special occasion Rock? What a gorgeous dinner, and you cooked the lamb just the way I like it. :yum:

Not really. But, thanks to dinner, it was. :LOL: It was a rare Saturday night off, though. It has been pretty busy lately and I have been craving lamb for a while so it was a stay in kind of night.
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DH grilled some yummy baby back ribs with Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce and I made potato salad and doctored-up canned baked beans. It was delicious!

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