I was given a bottle of 1983 Dom P for my birthday a few years ago and decided to just save it for a special occasion. I still have that bottle. Is is any good?
depends upon how you kept it. If it's been in a temperature controlled storage situation, or a cool basement, likely it's condition ranges from drinkable to excellent. On the downside, if you've kept it just somewhere in the house, or worse, in your kitchen refrigerator, no doubt it's vinegar.
That's the problem with special bottles like that. We keep saving them for a "special day" that never comes, and then when you DO want it, it's ruined.
Wine is a living thing. Store the good stuff right, you can keep it for years, sometimes even centuries. But most of us don't have the proper storage facilities, and dont even think about what might be the best place that we do have. Unlike wine that should be stored on its side to keep the cork moist, Champagne is best stored upside down for long term, or up. Kitchen refrigerators don't have enough humidity to keep the cork from shrinking significantly, so if y ou left it in the fridge, the codk contracted and allowed air into the bottle.
Years ago I had a friend who received a bottle of 85 Dom. She stuck it in her fridge and there it sat for oh, probably 8 years. Then she decided to share it with a special man, and they ceremoniously opened the bottle to find it totally undrinkable. Needless to say, the mood was ruined, as well.
I would open that bottle tonight and, if you're lucky, you'll have one fine bevvie with your dinner. But I'm not putting any money on that. Sorry.