what up everyone !

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

fat n happy

Assistant Cook
Jun 27, 2004
cooking and music are my passions ive cooked professionally for ten years now and have worked in over 25 restaurants . thanx for the love on the forum and hope to get to know all of you well. :arrow: :arrow: :mrgreen:
Welcome aboard F'N'H......hehehehe your gonna like it here...only requiement I think is to KNOW how to have fun!!!! Do enjoy!


I am in Cleveland. I see there are quite a few Ohio people here... where are you? Nice to meet you.
thanks everyone , im in columbus . :D :shock: hope to have fun here and feel free to ask questions . much love guys

I'm in North Royalton, Ohio ... Cleveland suburb. Nice to have you with us. Hope to get some "secret" recipes, even if they aren't a secret!!! :)
found in my time spent in the kitchen ....if you give 10 people a recipie you will get ten different results nothing is a secret only how you percieve it . i would be glad to share any of my knowlage or expeiance with anyone . first and formost do not go to culinary school just dont do it. too much $ and too little knowlage gained.
:D :shock: :LOL: :P :twisted: ;) :? :mrgreen: :confused: :rolleyes: :LOL: :x these smilies are cool as hell who ever put this on the site thank you.
Welcome to the family

fat n' happy must really be happy - lol - they joined almost a year ago - (ouch, don't hit me) :mrgreen: I'm trying to figure out how this got resurrected! lol Now I guess we have to have a year anniversary party for everyone! (ouch!!!!!! I said quit hitting me!!!!) :LOL:
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