What's cooking TGIFriday October 9, 2009?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
did i miss the dinner thread? if so i am sorry and please merge.

i think lunch will be our big meal for the day. i want to go shopping and errands later so something on the run for the girls and i and i will bring micky d's for hub when i get home.

Here is Lunch 10/9/09:

Potatoes sauted in butter till brown. Chopped onions, green pepper and mushrooms added and cooked till all are tender. Scrambled eggs added to pan and cooked till eggs are set. Topped with shredded cheddar after plated.






whats cooking by you?
Yum! I had leftover creamed chicken on tater tots. Read a blog today about "horseshoes" and was craving something like that.
(BTW, how are you doing?)
did i miss the dinner thread? if so i am sorry and please merge.

i think lunch will be our big meal for the day. i want to go shopping and errands later so something on the run for the girls and i and i will bring micky d's for hub when i get home.

Here is Lunch 10/9/09:

Potatoes sauted in butter till brown. Chopped onions, green pepper and mushrooms added and cooked till all are tender. Scrambled eggs added to pan and cooked till eggs are set. Topped with shredded cheddar after plated.






whats cooking by you?
That must have been real tasty! ;) I think potatoes and eggs were on our minds today, only at different times!

Tonight is leftover chicken soup for Mark. I'm going to have a late lunch/early dinner......not sure what that is yet.
That egg dish is kinda like a frittata, isn't it?

We are having nice traditional corned beef and cabbage.
And once again, I forgot that I own a Crock pot.
It's so bloody hot here in Florida today. BLTs for me and BELTs for DH. It's in the low 90s and it sure doesn't feel like fall. :rolleyes:
Yum! I had leftover creamed chicken on tater tots. Read a blog today about "horseshoes" and was craving something like that.
(BTW, how are you doing?)

thank you sweetie!! my joints are achy today but other than that i feel good.
thank you for asking and how are you doing? aside from wanting to throw a horseshoe that is. :LOL:
It's so bloody hot here in Florida today. BLTs for me and BELTs for DH. It's in the low 90s and it sure doesn't feel like fall. :rolleyes:
That means you have to move up north somewhere! ;)

I'm from NY state, and Fall weather is phenomenal!

I'm on the other side of the country now, and it's even soup weather! I think the only time Florida is cool is in December-February.

Your sandwiches sound good! :)
That must have been real tasty! ;) I think potatoes and eggs were on our minds today, only at different times!

Tonight is leftover chicken soup for Mark. I'm going to have a late lunch/early dinner......not sure what that is yet.

thank you sweets!!
that was supposed to be dinner last night but things got crazy soooooooooooooo
That egg dish is kinda like a frittata, isn't it?

We are having nice traditional corned beef and cabbage.
And once again, I forgot that I own a Crock pot.

hey there GF!!

a frittata is more of a large pancake of eggs and stuff. flipped once and then place in oven to finish.

I LOVE CORNED BEEF, CABBAGE AND POTATOES!! i have 2 corned beefs in the freezer from st. patty sales.
That means you have to move up north somewhere! ;)

I'm from NY state, and Fall weather is phenomenal!

I'm on the other side of the country now, and it's even soup weather! I think the only time Florida is cool is in December-February.

Your sandwiches sound good! :)
you are right about NY state Fall weather being phenomenal!! i am going to go leaf peeping up state tomorrow.
It's been snowing all day, got up to 30F, getting colder, down to single digits tonight.
you are right about NY state Fall weather being phenomenal!! i am going to go leaf peeping up state tomorrow.

Thanks VB and I agree with all of you. Fla is best in the winter. Dec-Mar. I just can't stand snow. When we were in Tx last year they had an ice storm. I was miserable. 75 maybe 80 for a high and nothing lower than 40 and I would be in heaven. Or in Europe. :ROFLMAO:
Bourbon.........Without a doubt
Grilled Pork.....Most likely
Baked Sweet Tator....For Sure
Other Stuff......Uncertain
Chocolate Ice Cream....Absolutely
Tonight I am eating (just made it)... a ginger-lime steak stir fry.. on a bed of orzo. fresh ingredients - fresh lime juice, fresh diced ginger, a dash of soy sauce, red pepper flakes.. cooked the steak (thinly sliced) with onions and green peppers. It is SO good! It only took 15 min!!
my son and his wife are coming for dinner. i am in the process of making it now. i am making a Mexican casserole.(indg. sound like a burrito) cilantro -lime rice. home made refried beans, without the refry. a green salad using homemade salad dressing. and a tres leches cake.

the salad dressing ( made it yesterday) so good i had french bread dipped in it last night
we had roast beef/cheese sandwiches with ham/bean soup...
here's the latest pic of the snow... and more snow in the forecast!


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we had roast beef/cheese sandwiches with ham/bean soup...
here's the latest pic of the snow... and more snow in the forecast!
the pics look so beautiful!! i love snow but we don't get much any more.

can i have you ham/bean soup recipe? pretty please.
I just simmer some beans (white) for a bit, then strain, add fresh water. In another pot I threw some leftover ham from the freezer and celery, onion, carrot, a bit of clove. Didn't have a bay leaf, otherwise would have added that, too. I didn't chop up the veggies real fine. After a bit, I strained the liquid into the bean pot, picked out the ham chunks, trimmed them some, diced carrots, onion, celery into nice pieces, cooked until all was done. Sometimes I throw in some chicken broth or some other stock. That's about it. I don't always simmer the beans with the ham right away because of the salt content in the ham. I let them soften first, then combine the two.
Glad you think the snow is pretty! It's not unusual to get snow this time of year, but what is unusual is the low temperatures. It is to get down to 8 degrees F tonight. At least we will probably have a nice base on the mountain for skiing. We have fabulous nordic trails (and a small alpine resort, too, but i don't do that). It is supposed to warm up to the 50's next week. Maybe we'll be able to rake, when the leaves drop.
I just simmer some beans (white) for a bit, then strain, add fresh water. In another pot I threw some leftover ham from the freezer and celery, onion, carrot, a bit of clove. Didn't have a bay leaf, otherwise would have added that, too. I didn't chop up the veggies real fine. After a bit, I strained the liquid into the bean pot, picked out the ham chunks, trimmed them some, diced carrots, onion, celery into nice pieces, cooked until all was done. Sometimes I throw in some chicken broth or some other stock. That's about it. I don't always simmer the beans with the ham right away because of the salt content in the ham. I let them soften first, then combine the two.
Glad you think the snow is pretty! It's not unusual to get snow this time of year, but what is unusual is the low temperatures. It is to get down to 8 degrees F tonight. At least we will probably have a nice base on the mountain for skiing. We have fabulous nordic trails (and a small alpine resort, too, but i don't do that). It is supposed to warm up to the 50's next week. Maybe we'll be able to rake, when the leaves drop.
well stay warm babes make more soup.
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