What's for Dinner Thursday July 9th?

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Master Chef
Apr 18, 2005
Northern New Mexico
I planning on fixing broccoli with ricotta cheese over pasta

I have several zucchinis looking at me, but doubt they make it in this dish:)

What are you fixing?
Kebabs of tofu, peppers, zucchini, and pineapple. I'll prolly serve them over some kind of grain...I haven't decided which one yet.....maybe some kind of asian noodle like mai fun or soba. Then a salad of steamed carrots and beets with an orange dressing. I'm having guests.
We'll have leftovers since we're leaving in the morning for a weekend trip to the in-laws helping them pack for their move
beef filets with gorgonzola butter,twice baked potatoes,butter sour cream,chives, parsley and sauted onions,garlic. Mushrooms sauteed and marsala added at the end..a platter with sliced tomatoes,mozzerella, a basil,evoo,parm,balsamic dressing, warm Italian bread no dessert this is far to much food but we will clean our plates:LOL:
CJ, lunch was awesome. We ate at THE best Mexican restaurant in Paducah. Ate for nearly 2 hours and talked, talked, talked. I didn't know there were that many words that could be spoken.:LOL:

We started with their homemade salsa and warmed chips, followed by guacamole that is always "to die for," then I had the shredded beef enchiladas with refried beans and Spanish rice. Lots of food and I still had soapilillas for dessert. Coated in cinnamon-sugar and drizzled with honey. Omigosh! Roll me out the door.
CJ, lunch was awesome. We ate at THE best Mexican restaurant in Paducah. Ate for nearly 2 hours and talked, talked, talked. I didn't know there were that many words that could be spoken.:LOL:

We started with their homemade salsa and warmed chips, followed by guacamole that is always "to die for," then I had the shredded beef enchiladas with refried beans and Spanish rice. Lots of food and I still had soapilillas for dessert. Coated in cinnamon-sugar and drizzled with honey. Omigosh! Roll me out the door.
Wonderful, I just knew you would have a great day..Woooooo Hooooo;) Just what I was wishing for.
I was planning to make a crab cake sandwich with some local tomatoes. But the only crab I could find was frozen. So I bought some fish filets and made a sandwich.

Roast duck leg with thyme; broiled polenta with rosemary, Pecorino Romano & duck fat, topped with chevre and cayenne; and peas.


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We'll have leftovers since we're leaving in the morning for a weekend trip to the in-laws helping them pack for their move

We're having leftovers from takeout after arriving home yesterday.

I love getting Ideas about all the wonderful things other folks are "whipping up", but I am so glad that my family doesn't read these posts - I'd have an upraising on my hands!

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