Tuesday 5th March - what's for dinner?

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Head Chef
Jul 11, 2013
It was an office day, so I always do something quick when I get home. And I have realised that pasta and salmon are a very regular feature! However, I do try to vary the components to make it a little different each time, so this evening it was Penne with pesto, freshly toasted pine nuts and salmon, and I stirred through some rocket and spinach, then grated over some parmesan. (And plenty of fresh ground pepper, naturally). Came out really well and Ollie declared "Well that was just delicious, wasn't it." So a quick, but tasty success.
Salmon with Pesto, Pine Nuts and Rocket.jpg
Toasted bread with avocado pulp and poached egg, topped with a small slice of capocollo.
My daughter made this really, I'm not too "technical", cooking eggs in that particular way😉!


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We ordered from our favourite Greek resto (It's hard choosing. There are three within a 10 minute drive that are all good.)

We ordered something called a bad boy mixed grill: 2 lamb chops, a pork souvlaki skewer, an oregano chicken breast, roast lemon oregano potatoes, rice pilaf, a house salad, and garlic bread. We also ordered an appetizer of loukaniko which came with avgolemono sauce. It was all very good, even though some of the meat was more "charred" than I prefer. I just cut the black bits off.

Bad boy mixed grill, salad, loukaniko, and garlic bread.jpg
Describe them please? They almost look electric. Are they 2 separate grills? just with different plates?

and they come with their own packing/travel cases?
Describe them please? They almost look electric. Are they 2 separate grills? just with different plates?

and they come with their own packing/travel cases?
I was wondering about that too. The case looks like the case that came with my Thunder Range, which uses butane.

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