Let me take this opportunity to get on my soap box and rant.
Went to local Kroger, asked for brisket...he said the only ones they have are the ones in the case...that he trimmed 100% of fat off of. So I started looking around and saw T-bones. They were cut so terribly that about 1.5 oz of filet were left and all the rest was strip. Of course beef ribs would have been a fantasy as some of them looked like the bones were chipped from the scraping...
Left and went to walmart, FAR FAR WORSE. Nearly every cut of meat here was discolored, cut to rip you off, etc...and the "butcher" here was such a dumbass that he didnt know what I was talking about when I asked for a brisket...he tried to sell me a flank steak instead saying it was the same.
Aside: I was pissed, but had seen a welder in another walmart and am in need for the UDS- I went looking for one in my local walmart and couldnt find it-asked employee with 3 teeth and unibrow who says it would be in "stationary"...the hardware employee didnt know what a welder ever was!
That said, I am going to begin to scour my area for people who are at least competent while selling me an inferior product. Yellow pages say there are a few butcher shops around, I am going to check them out.
Rant over.