Where'd They Go?

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Senior Cook
Feb 4, 2003
I've been busy with other things for a few months - now that I came back, I sse few familiar names!

What happened to Kitchen Elf? And Carnivore. CoCo. et al??

Anybody know? They don't appear on the members list.:(
welcome back oldcoot, wondered what happened to you. Kitchenelf is here somewhere, mayb off for a few days. What you been up to>?
Welcome back Oldcoot..I see you once in awhile when I go up to the other web page.
I hope Lady is doing better, she sure is a beautiful GSD.

Elf took a few days off, havent seen the ones you mentioned or BubbaGourmet either. He still has a web site but I havent heard anything since the hurricanes passed over his area last season.
Nice of all you folks to welcome me back. I'm surprised you even remembered me. Thanks.

But, Dove - Marge - I've told you and told you: Her Ladyship is not a GSD )German Shepherd Dog): she a Belgian Gruenendahl Shepherd.

oldcoot said:
Nice of all you folks to welcome me back. I'm surprised you even remembered me. Thanks.

But, Dove - Marge - I've told you and told you: Her Ladyship is not a GSD )German Shepherd Dog): she a Belgian Gruenendahl Shepherd.

oldcoot, i remember you from before, I've been gone for a time too. I'm happy to be back...You best friend there looks like my Ilsa..same coloring, same beautiful face..Seeing this pic sure brings the tears close..My best friend has been gone almost ten years now..And it's still feels like yesterday.
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