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First things first. I do not know anything about Steve McNair other than some of his football accomplishments. As the matter of fact, being a Colts man, I have called for his head to be knocked off many a Sunday. All that aside that man was a warrior. He played hurt, disabled and sometimes half KO'd. I don't know how many times I would be watching pre-game at 10:00 am when they would say he is out for the game and all be damned come kick off he comes running out the damn tunnel ready to rock. They said he was only 36. Like I said, I don't know what he was like off the field but the cat definately went to work and put in his time.
Havnt gotten all the details yet on it but no one deserves to go out like that... prayers going out to his family friends and teammates.
don't know if he's a celebrity, but Robert McNamara just died, the former
Defense Minister during the 60's. His middle name was Strange.
Info starting to come out about McNair...a married man dating a 20yr old girl...hmmm...something is bound to go wrong there! :shock: :shock:
The fact that McNair was shot 4 times tells me something. One it was an act of rage so it was someone close to him that did it and he was the intended target. 2. the fact that the girl was shot one time in the head and the pistol found near her makes her look like she was the shooter or someone wanted to make it look that way. She should have significant amounts of gun powder residue on her hand if she pulled the trigger 5 times. Looks like a case for CSI to solve. I don't want to jump to conclusions at this point. It looks like a case of murder suicide but you never know.
Well, murder suicide it is...shot once in the right temple, 2 times in the chest and then again in the left temple...WOW!!

The lady killed him because she thought Mr. McNair was seeing another woman...hmmmm...I wonder if the other woman was his WIFE?!?!...or perhaps that is just me being naive...sometimes I need to remind myself that while these guys can make quick decisions that are often times correct during the game they aren't able to do it off the field! OYE!
They said that she shot him while he was sleeping on the couch! 4 shots, classic overkill = rage which narrowed it down to the girlfriend or the wife. Girlfriend in this case. Sorry to see it happen.
bknox said:
Let it out DollarBill. Last night Craig Ferguson said his service was beautiful. Mr. Meyer was buried in a casket with sauerkraut and mustard. :D

LOL Yep I was gonna say did they bury him with ketchup & Mustard. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

needless to say Im goin to hell...
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