Why is my rice crispy chewy?

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Senior Cook
Feb 9, 2009
I am trying to figure why my rice crispy is not crispy at all but chewy and sticky? The rice even tastes like undercooked. I did not measure anything but eyeballed it. Even when I followed the instruction and measured everything before, it was not crispy either.

Yes, I meant rice crispy treats by using rice cereal. I was using rice cereal
It has been in the cupboard for a couple of months. Now you pointed that out.... I guess I know the answer now.....:LOL:
I like it not crispy, kind of gooey. Did you press it into the pan?
No I did not press it. I did it only for the very first time, but it was kind of hard. Then, I stopped pressing it
If I press it into the pan, it compacts it and I find that it is a bit crispier due to lack of air space for the "goo" to interact with. (if that makes any sense)

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