Sweetened Condensed Milk - Freeze?

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Katie H

Site Moderator
Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
I live in the Heartland of the United States
I have about half a can of sweetened condensed milk left after preparing a dessert recipe. At the moment I really don't have a use for it and wonder if it can successfully be frozen.

Have any of you done this and what were your results once the milk was thawed?
I've frozen it in desserts and it was fine, no change. I haven't frozen it by itself but I'm thinking it should be OK.
I have about half a can of sweetened condensed milk left after preparing a dessert recipe. At the moment I really don't have a use for it and wonder if it can successfully be frozen.

Have any of you done this and what were your results once the milk was thawed?
Mr. Google says sure! It will keep frozen for 3 to 6 months. Thaw in the refrigerator overnight, and give it a good shake to restore its texture.
I freeze all the time, my lolly cake only has half a can. So I freeze. I also freeze tomato paste, I buy in a tin, use then freeze rest in a plastic bag in shape of a log, chop off as you need.

I freeze leftover tomato paste too, Russ, but I measure out 2 Tbsp portions onto waxed paper, freeze, then toss the lumps into a freezer bag.

I have about half a can of sweetened condensed milk left after preparing a dessert recipe. At the moment I really don't have a use for it and wonder if it can successfully be frozen...
I haven't frozen condensed milk, but I recently pulled out the last of the half-and-half that was left in the carton when we left for OH for the holidays. I defrosted it in the fridge overnight, then shook the daylights out of it just before I used it for cooking. Didn't notice any difference in taste or texture when it was cooked into the food. (For the life of me, though, I don't remember exactly what I used it for...:wacko: )
I freeze leftover tomato paste too, Russ, but I measure out 2 Tbsp portions onto waxed paper, freeze, then toss the lumps into a freezer bag.

I haven't frozen condensed milk, but I recently pulled out the last of the half-and-half that was left in the carton when we left for OH for the holidays. I defrosted it in the fridge overnight, then shook the daylights out of it just before I used it for cooking. Didn't notice any difference in taste or texture when it was cooked into the food. (For the life of me, though, I don't remember exactly what I used it for...:wacko: )

A shop near us sells about 500 ml cans paste for $2, cheap as chips. Hard to use just once. Freezing is so economical.

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