I'll make you a deal! Apple Pie help

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Chef Extraordinaire
Oct 17, 2004
After searching, and posting question and not getting anywhere :( I've decided to make you a deal. :) I'll trade not one, but 2 (yes 2) Russian recipes for an apple pie, for 1 (yes only 1) American one. I need pie crust recipe more then anything. Fillings is not a problem.
one thing, it must be NON-dairy recipe, please.

As the good will gesture I am posting 1 of my Russian recipes now.

1 cup sugar
3 Large eggs
1 cup flour
3-4 apples, I use grany smith, thinly sliced.

Beat the eggs and the sugar until white, I use hand mixer. Add flour mix until smooth. Poor half of the mixture into pan (spray with some kind of oil spray)
spread apples, poor the rest of flour mixture over it. You caan sprinkle with some brown sugar, cinnamon, vanila, or whatever you might like, I do not do anything. Bake at 300 deg for 1 hour. Enjoy.

I'll post the second one as soon as I get one from you.;)
For a double crust:

2 cups AP flour
1 t. salt
2/3 cup shortning..(Crisco etc.)
2 or 3 T. icewater...emphasis ICEwater

Cut shortning into flour and salt...until you achieve a "coarse cornmeal" texture. Gradually add water until wet enough to form a ball.
Divide dough...roll out on floured surface..then follow your recipe for apple pie!

Hope this helps!
Somebody Amrican, post quickly ;) :) I want to see the second recipe! (Grazie for this one Charlie!)

Edited to add, Uncle Bob and I cross posted, I am not accusing him of being unAmerican, lol!
Bonnie's Pie Dough

2 cups plus 1 TBSP Crisco
1/3 cup brown sugar
2 1/4 teaspoons salt
5 cups flour
Mix and add:
3/4 cup ice water

This is a good recipe. Bonnie used to sell pies in town, and this was her crust recipe.
Well Connie...

Since Candocook and Kitchenchef "raided" my kitchen to get my "Texas Caviar"(check out that thread and actually it is Mississippi Caviar) recipe....I got to thinking:ermm: Since I possess Ninja skills...it was really quite easy. While you slept a few evenings back..I simply slipped into a side window..made my way to your recipes...and made my escape! Pre-baked for a few moments.. it makes a perfect crust for My World Famous puh-con pie:LOL:
Charlie, my recipe is similar to Uncle Bob's. No salt in mine though and I use more water.

2/3 cup lard (Tenderflake is what I use) NOT shortening
2 cups flour
4-5 tbsps cold water

Put lard and flour in bowl. Use pastry blender or two knives to cut lard into pea sized pieces. Add water one tbsp at a time and only add enough to get the dough to stick together. Work the dough with your hands, but as little as possible. Split dough roughly in half and roll out each piece separately. Bottom and top.
Ok, looks you kept your part of the bargin. I can't promisse to post second recipe today,it's at home. But I will bring to work tomorow, so i can translate into English and post here.

I was beginning to think we all had been "snookered". :)
Glad to see you showed up and will live up to your part of the bargin!;)
Please don't dissapoint us... as in one small circle that I move in.. I am known as "Paladin" :LOL:
Alix said:
Charlie, my recipe is similar to Uncle Bob's. No salt in mine though and I use more water.

2/3 cup lard (Tenderflake is what I use) NOT shortening
2 cups flour
4-5 tbsps cold water

Put lard and flour in bowl. Use pastry blender or two knives to cut lard into pea sized pieces. Add water one tbsp at a time and only add enough to get the dough to stick together. Work the dough with your hands, but as little as possible. Split dough roughly in half and roll out each piece separately. Bottom and top.

Yep..very close to Uncle Bob's recipe...very close...were you with Cando and Kitchenchef when they raided my recipes...or did you just drive the get-a-way car???:LOL:
LOL!! I was being nice Bob, I was going to accuse YOU of pirating MY recipe but thought I'd let it be for now. :LOL:
That only means you have a long rap sheet...going back to that time period!
Honestly...now I understand what they mean when they say "crime wave";)

It had reference to a very old American T.V. show...late 50's early 60's
I mentioned it only in a joking manner;) ...It has nothing to do with the delicious apple pie recipe of yours.. that I am anxious to see and try
Next to Pecan it is one of my favorite pies...especially served warm with ice cream...yummy!
If you don't mind, I'm going to share my apple pie recipe! It may not be what you're looking for, but.....oh well!! :LOL:
I bake this in a 10 inch pie pan.
For the crust: 1 1/2 c flour, 1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 c shortening, and 5 Tbsp. COLD water
Bake at 450* for 10 minutes
Filling: dice up 1 5 lb. bag of Red Delicious apples (yes, 5 lbs!) I cut them into bite size pieces. Add to the apples, 2 Tbsp. lemon juice
1 c sugar
heaping 1/2 c brown sugar
heaping 3/4 c flour
1/4 tsp. salt
1 rounded tsp. of cinnamon and nutmeg
I prepare the filling and then dice up the apples and place them into the filling so that they don't turn brown on me!!
Pour into large pastry shell.

Topping: 1 c flour
1/3 c sugar
1/3 c brown sugar
1/2 c butter
Cut ingredients together with a pastry cutter and carefully and lightly press over entire pie. Bake at 350* for 50 to 60 minutes. ** Place a piece of foil over the top of the pie the last few minutes so that it doesn't overbrown. Hope you like!!!

I was going to have my wife check for English grammar, but she’s going to be busy for couple of days, 3 of our girls are sick, so I’m posting as is. If you have any questions, fire away I’ll try to answer it and clear the problem.

Apple pie

½ lb Margarine
½ lb Sour Cream
1 cup Sugar
5-6 cups flour
2-3 table spoon plain yogurt (I like raspberry or strawberry) or buttermilk
1 tea spoon baking soda (mixed with vinegar until reaction stops, 2-3 table spoons vinegar)
3 lb apples
Pinch of Salt

Make the dough divide in half. Dough should be soft and some what crumbly, but not liquidy (is it a word?). You should be able to roll it out to the size of the baking sheet. Then roll it on the rolling pin and transfer to baking sheet. The recipe calls for cooking the apples; I am too lazy and never have enough time so I just use apple sauce. Whatever kind you like. Sprinkle some cinnamon on it. Roll out second part of dough and in the same fashion as above roll it out on the top of the apple sauce. Pock some holes on the top with a fork, sprinkle a little bit cinnamon and to the oven. Bake at 350 deg. for about 1 – 1.5 hour. But check with tooth pick to make sure it’s done and not overcooked.

Now if you really want get fancy, make some meringue toping, spread on the top some time in the middle of baking and finish it like that.

P.S. the recipe was originaly in metric, so some measures are approximate.
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