8-inch skillets... for what use?

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Robo410 said:
Allow me to confuse everyone: it seems only in America do we have the terms backwards thanks to our pioneer ancestors on covered wagons. What we call a frying pan is a saute pan...the sloping edges, the one you can toss the food in like a pro with a bit of practice. What we call a saute pan with straight sides and a lid is a frying pan...used for shallow frying, braising and poaching more than anything else. Sauteuse and Sautoir.

So to answer the question, I use the 8" fry much more than the 8" saute, because I saute in the fry and fry in the saute but prefer a bigger pan for that, 9" or 10" . How's that for confusion?

Some of my Emerilware SS pans are so big that they allow me to make marinara, meat sauce and stovetop casseroles in them!
Katie E said:
Amen, Robo. We've either confused the OP (Black Chef) or inspired him to keep his cookware.

I've even learned some additional uses for my pans.

you've all inspired me...:LOL:

i've been using these little guys for sauteeing shrimp, cooking 2 egg omelettes, etc.

tonight, i'm going to cook a "big daddy" lamb burger with the 8" cast iron.
don't forget they're good for protecting your heine from a spanking.

(making note: remember to teach that to the boy tonight.):)
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