Mayo and Ranch

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Master Chef
Mar 25, 2008
I ran out of mayonnaise last night.
So I made some more.
Instead of messing up the blender three times, I made two batches of mayo and one of ranch dressing (though I need a little tweaking of the ranch).

3 T. vinegar
3 egg yolks
dry mustard--but I was out
1 T yellow mustard and 1 T water to clean out the container
1/2 t. salt
1/4 t. black pepper (yes, black specks)
1 and 1/2 cups vegetable oil--slowly drizzled in

Blend at medium and low until thick, then stir and blend again. Nice and thick.

Then again, though this time I was out of yellow mustard, so I used 1 T brown mustard instead, it turned out good.

Half the second batch of mayo and 1 cup of buttermilk, salt, garlic powder and 6 townhouse crackers in the blender. That's nice too, but, I'm thinking I should add some parsley and I've lost my parsley in my freezer somewhere. It hasn't thickened from the crackers yet but it tastes good!
It's for dipping cauliflower, broccoli and carrots and on salads (and on potatoes, and on.....well, what have you...)
I've never made mayo from scratch, but do make my own version of ranch. Sometimes (depending upon the quality of the yogurt or buttermilk I buy) seems runny. Never occurred to me to add a cracker or two to the mix.

In the summer I use fresh herbs from the garden. In the winter I often resort to Penzey's spices; ironically not their ranch mix but their creamy peppercorn or green goddess mixes.
I've never made mayo from scratch, but do make my own version of ranch. Sometimes (depending upon the quality of the yogurt or buttermilk I buy) seems runny. Never occurred to me to add a cracker or two to the mix.

In the summer I use fresh herbs from the garden. In the winter I often resort to Penzey's spices; ironically not their ranch mix but their creamy peppercorn or green goddess mixes.

I read somewhere to add saltines to the ranch to thicken it........I just had the townhouse crackers closer to the blender, so I am trying it.

The mixes from Penzey's sound good, for me, especially the green goddess mix.

I would use the ranch as a base to green goddess or parmesan peppercorn or even blue cheese dressing........for a little variety. That's why I like having it around.

PS. Claire--I thought you made most things homemade.....made any kimchi lately?
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