What's on your plate for Wednesday May 16?

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CharlieD said:
Today is a lamb and lamb day. Roasted some leg of lamb last night. It wil be served with a side of couscous. This morning made an Uzbek soup, using lamb ribs, been wanting to make it for a long time. Never tried it before, sounded good. Will have to repeort on it latter.

I love some lamb. Sounds good.

Steve Kroll said:
Lamb here. I've got some nice lamb shoulder chops marinating in lemon juice, olive oil, white wine, garlic, and fresh oregano. I'm cooking everything on the grill tonight: the chops, potato packets, and some gorgeous purple asparagus.

Ditto - loving the lamb guys. I'm sure your simple marinade is the stuff.
I'm going to steam up some 16-20 per pound sized shrimp tonight. I wanna try out a bottle of shrimp cocktail sauce I just bought that has horseradish in it. I've always bought just the plain Del Monte cocktail sauce without horseradish in it. Some potato salad, baked beans and sourdough rolls to go with it. :)
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I marinated boneless chicken breast in:

juice of 1 lime
2 cloves garlic
2 T fresh ginger
2 T light soy sauce
1 tsp muscovado brown sugar
Marinated for 30 or so minutes. Grilled that and served it in a ring of rice with coriander and lime, and fresh wild asparagus.


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I'm going to steam up some 16-20 per pound sized shrimp tonight. I wanna try out a bottle of shrimp cocktail sauce I just bought that has horseradish in it. I've always bought just the plain Del Monte cocktail sauce without horseradish in it. Some potato salad, baked beans and sourdough rolls to go with it. :)

Try this Caslon:

Get yourself a bottle of ketchup style chili sauce and a bottle of horseradish and mix your own to the heat you desire. It's easy and oh!!! so good! another Alternative sauce is any version of bleu cheese. Yum. Enjoy your dinner!!
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Try this Caslon:

Get yourself a bottle of ketchup style chili sauce and a bottle of horseradish and mix your own to the heat you desire. It's easy and oh!!! so good! another Alternative sauce is any version of bleu cheese. Yum. Enjoy your dinner!!

Good tip as I usually keep horseradish and chili sauce around. For those times if I'm out of cocktail sauce and going to the store just for cocktail sauce is too much hassle, and I have shrimp in the freezer. Thanks.
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I made Svedish Meatballs with ground allspice and cardamom in the mix. Gravy and a smashed potato. Handful of fresh green beans with lemon zest/garlic/butter. Too full by half.
I made Svedish Meatballs with ground allspice and cardamom in the mix. Gravy and a smashed potato. Handful of fresh green beans with lemon zest/garlic/butter. Too full by half.
Of course you did, you're in min-ah-SOOOOO-Ta. Sounds good! Love SM wilth cardamon, allspice and a dash of nutmeg--and filling is right--but oh so GOOD! A visit to Grandma's kitchen!
"Of course you did, you're in min-ah-SOOOOO-Ta."

Since I had the spice jars out and the grinder, I put a wee pinch/ ok quite a bit/ of Allspice and 2X more of cardamom in a dessert dish of Rhubarb sauce/compote. Still waiting for the flavors to get "just right" and hope it's ready for a bedtime snack! :)
"Of course you did, you're in min-ah-SOOOOO-Ta."

Since I had the spice jars out and the grinder, I put a wee pinch/ ok quite a bit/ of Allspice and 2X more of cardamom in a dessert dish of Rhubarb sauce/compote. Still waiting for the flavors to get "just right" and hope it's ready for a bedtime snack! :)
Not nice--you're teasing those of us who can't be in min-ah-SOOOOO-Ta. (Do we really say it that way???)
I made spicy cumin beef and a vegetable stir fry with coconut milk. I didn't have any fish sauce, so I used oyster sauce. I left out the sugar that was listed in the recipe and upped the lemon juice, but it was still somewhat sweet. Gotta get some fish sauce.
'Not nice--you're teasing those of us who can't be in min-ah-SOOOOO-Ta." ... And I say it's Melk, not milk and Aags not eggs, But that's not the point.

Perhaps it is a tease, but not in the sense of holding it over anyone. Rhubarb is one of nature's Spring bounties in this neck of the woods and I try to find simple and variable ways to use it while it's in season. I have one 20+ year old plant, and it is a Producer!! I think I read rhubarb can be grown just about anywhere except in the deep South, where it is too warm. It's available in the Freezer section at your market or the green grocer section of groceries in the spring, much like we Import citrus fruits up north. Cranberries in Wis, Pineapples in Hawaii, We all have something we can show that grows well. It's a trade-off, I guess. Best I can do is share it with my neighbors.
Good tip as I usually keep horseradish and chili sauce around. For those times if I'm out of cocktail sauce and going to the store just for cocktail sauce is too much hassle, and I have shrimp in the freezer. Thanks.

You're welcome! I don't buy cocktail sauce any more. The easy homemade sauce is just so much better.
Last night I tried a new recipe that I slightly adapted from a Martha Stewart "Everyday" site - "Teriyaki Chicken with Bok Choy". It was delicious!!!

Simply marinated bone-in skin-on chicken thighs in a good bottled Teriyaki sauce for several hours (or overnight) & roast on a foil-lined baking sheet in a 450-degree oven for 30 minutes, turning once after 15 minutes. Wash & quarter 2 heads of baby bok choy, trim ends, & quarter lengthwise. Add to baking sheet in & around chicken, drizzle with a little more Teriyaki sauce & continue roasting for 10 more minutes. Serve over brown rice. Even though some of the outer bok choy leaves brown/toast a bit, the roasting really enhances the bok choy flavor. Can't wait to try this again - perhaps with salmon.
I love some lamb. Sounds good.


Oh my, it was good. In part of course it was becasue I miss lamb, have not had it for a while, in part I loved the soup, I've never made it before and it turned out to be a winer, everybody in the family loved it. Need to translate the recipe and posted.

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