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Last night I had a terrible night as I developed a nasty cold...swollen glands, dry and sore and a blocked nose.

I feel awful this morning with the added bonus of a yukky head :rolleyes:

I have some Cold and Flu tablets and some throat lozenges, also drinking loads of water, so lets hope it goes soon ;)
Kylie1969 said:
Last night I had a terrible night as I developed a nasty cold...swollen glands, dry and sore and a blocked nose.

I feel awful this morning with the added bonus of a yukky head :rolleyes:

I have some Cold and Flu tablets and some throat lozenges, also drinking loads of water, so lets hope it goes soon ;)

Awww, Kylie, hope you feel better soon! Hope someone can make you some chicken soup! Best thing in the world for a cold.
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Thanks so much guys :)

Yes, I have been crashed out on the recliner all day..just watching TV and dropping in and out of sleep :)

Hoping for a good sleep tonight
Addie said:
I find that I am slowly getting on a normal schedule and sleeping through the night. That is the good news. Oh, and Good Morning Everyone.

The bad news is that I looked up the medicine that my daughter will be on for her chemo treatment. Just when I have myself under control, I do something stupid like that. The side effects are enough to make anyone hesitate. But again, this is information I will keep to myself. The only one I can talk to it about it is Son #3, the P.A. What little I don't understand, he explains it to me. And he can calm me down. I have seen my kids through some bad accidents and life threatening illnesses. But this! Too much knowledge is not a good thing. :angel:

Have you looked for some natural remedies for the side effects of the medications? It might put your mind at ease and help your daughter at the same time. I know acupuncture helped me with my 9months straight of morning sickness, plus I got sent home with some funky tasting teas, but it done the trick.
But you are right, too much knowledge can be a bad thing, and will just bring you down. Try and keep positive x x
I'm loading the Volvo for what I hope is my last Chick transport for awhile. This is my sixth (and hopfully final) chick run since we started keeping hens a little over a year ago. This merry band of chicks includes 2 black sex linkeds, 4 Rhode Island Reds, and 3 Plymouth Rocks. They were hatched May 1st, so they are not laying yet, give the RIRs another few weeks and they should start. Not sure about when the black sex linkeds will start, but the PRs should start mid-late October. These are Rocky's new girls and will reside with him out at the farm.
Slept in til nearly 8 this morning. Just settling in with some coffee and the laptop to catch up on all the antics I missed while at work last night.
Slept in til nearly 8 this morning. Just settling in with some coffee and the laptop to catch up on all the antics I missed while at work last night.

Got up early today - 9:00 AM. Just finished breakfast (waffles with sautéed apples with cinnamon and nutmeg) and I'm DC-ing as we speak.
Your breakfast sounds decadent! I had avocado smeared on toast with a tomato sliced on top and a fried egg on that. Yum.
Oh, wow, Andy and Alix, both your breakies sound great! I am getting ready to make a berry smoothie for us.

I have to travel across the river again today for an appointment but at least this time it is for my hubby. He can get some of his medicines made without dairy, wheat or soy fillers at a special pharmacy. He just needs new prescriptions. If this works it will be really great for him.

I also have to go get sinus, throat and neck xrays at some point today.

On the good side, we are going out for chicken after the doctor at Nando's. It is always the highlight of that trip! :)
Last night I had a terrible night as I developed a nasty cold...swollen glands, dry and sore and a blocked nose.

I feel awful this morning with the added bonus of a yukky head :rolleyes:

I have some Cold and Flu tablets and some throat lozenges, also drinking loads of water, so lets hope it goes soon ;)

Hey, no fair! You're the Designated Pleasant Poster, so this won't go at all! So, you MUST get better - and soon, to resume those nice walks and all. ;):)
We can't go outside because of the air quality, the Bitterroot is Hazardous, we are just Very Unhealthy...I just know I can't see any mountains and since we are surrounded by them...

Severe headache, very congested. I kinda wish I'd be called out so I could get a respirator to wear, there aren't any left in the stores around here.
We can't go outside because of the air quality, the Bitterroot is Hazardous, we are just Very Unhealthy...I just know I can't see any mountains and since we are surrounded by them...

Severe headache, very congested. I kinda wish I'd be called out so I could get a respirator to wear, there aren't any left in the stores around here.
What is "the Bitterroot"? (look at that, three double letters)
What is "the Bitterroot"? (look at that, three double letters)

Took me three years to understand I was spelling it right...:LOL: The fires are up the valley, the Bitterroot River flows north.


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I thought you all would like to know we had a nasty holdup here in Boston's North End. That is the major Italian section of the city. A gentleman walked into the Modern Pastry Shop and demanded a couple of Canolis. Then he made the mistake of coming back and wanting more. They caught him. :angel:
Hey, no fair! You're the Designated Pleasant Poster, so this won't go at all! So, you MUST get better - and soon, to resume those nice walks and all. ;):)

Aww thanks Lizzie :)

I had a much better sleep last night and the rest and Cold and Flu tablets combined are working a treat!

I feel a bit better this morning, still yuk..but a fraction better, so I am happy with that :)
We can't go outside because of the air quality, the Bitterroot is Hazardous, we are just Very Unhealthy...I just know I can't see any mountains and since we are surrounded by them...

Severe headache, very congested. I kinda wish I'd be called out so I could get a respirator to wear, there aren't any left in the stores around here.

Well, rats! I guess that means no topless sunbathing for our DC Princess.
I have the Food Channel on on 2 different TVs in 2 different rooms. Channel 231. When the commercials came on, they were 2 different commercials! I thought one TV must be on a different channel, but no, both on 231. Same satellite system. I've never noticed this before.

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