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We used to have the rules posted, no one ever read them :LOL: We're self-managing. I do plan to bring it up at the next Rec meeting.

We probably also need a sign like the other subs do, "No Lifeguard, Swim at Your Own Risk.". Pools here are considered an "attractive nuisance" and we could get sued if someone fell, or drowned.

In this state an attractive nuisance has to be fenced in to be out of sight to small children. My daughter has a stockade fence around her property. And her gate is locked. :angel:
Sewing. I have several sewing projects that I've been putting off--so today is the day. I'm sewing curtains, napkins, and doing some mending.
I want to go up to the beach and sit and read. But I have to wait for the mailman. I ordered a second debit card and it is supposed to be in the mail this week. I really need it. Spike has my present one. I could ask for it back, but he does almost all of my shopping. So if I do take it back, I have to give it back to him immediately after I have used it. I would just rather wait until I have the second one. I do have nine dollars on me. Enough to get a large coffee at BK across street from the beach. Or even lunch. Sometimes that fresh salt air just gives one an appetite to eat. I hate waiting for anything. I want instant gratification. :angel:
In this state an attractive nuisance has to be fenced in to be out of sight to small children. My daughter has a stockade fence around her property. And her gate is locked. :angel:
I don't know what the regulations are here. But, that would explain something I have wondered about. We have a chain link around the pool at our condo. Every year, before they fill the pool, they put a tarp-like thing on that entire fence. They take it down again after the pool is emptied. It looks better without it and it would probably get damaged by winter.

The law requires that we have a lifeguard on duty any time anyone goes in the pool.
I want to go up to the beach and sit and read. But I have to wait for the mailman. I ordered a second debit card and it is supposed to be in the mail this week. I really need it. Spike has my present one. I could ask for it back, but he does almost all of my shopping. So if I do take it back, I have to give it back to him immediately after I have used it. I would just rather wait until I have the second one. I do have nine dollars on me. Enough to get a large coffee at BK across street from the beach. Or even lunch. Sometimes that fresh salt air just gives one an appetite to eat. I hate waiting for anything. I want instant gratification. :angel:
Is that first debit card still going to work once you start using the new one? Whenever I have gotten a new debit card, they tell me that the old one won't work any more.
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Is that first debit card still going to work once you start using the new one? Whenever I have gotten a new debit card, they tell me that the old one won't work any more.

The new one only cancels the old one if it's a replacement. You can have two cards on one account at the same time. You just have to communicate usage so you don't overdraw.
The new one only cancels the old one if it's a replacement. You can have two cards on one account at the same time. You just have to communicate usage so you don't overdraw.
Around here, they won't give a second full service debit card unless it's a joint account.

I have several spare cards for my biz account, but they are deposit only.
Not my girls at risk, they are safe. A couple on the other side of Ottawa (which is the size of PEI) have had by-law visit and threaten their three girls. We have offered to hold them in "chicken protection" program while they battle with by-law and the City. My girls are SAFE.

Is that first debit card still going to work once you start using the new one? Whenever I have gotten a new debit card, they tell me that the old one won't work any more.

Yes. It will be in my daughter's name. She is listed on my account. It saves a lot of problems at the time of my death. The bank can't freeze my account as she is co-owner.

What a lot of folks here don't know is that a lot of our banks have someone who reads the obits first thing in the morning. They then check the names against their accounts. If one of the names shows up as having an account with that bank, by law they freeze the account including safety deposit boxes. The family then has to get a Probate Court Order to get to the money.

How do I know this? I took a six week course in customer service for banking and then decided banking was not for me. But it was interesting. I also learned that if you are overdrawn at $10 and under, the bank will honor the check automatically. Just don't make it a habit. :angel:
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I just finished eating two Canadian bacon sandwiches with iceberg lettuce and mayo on white bread. The best sandwich in the whole wide world.
I'm not sure if that was breakfast or lunch. I guess it depends if I eat again before dinner.
Off to buy my Tostitos for tonight's dinner shortly.
I just finished eating two Canadian bacon sandwiches with iceberg lettuce and mayo on white bread. The best sandwich in the whole wide world.
I'm not sure if that was breakfast or lunch. I guess it depends if I eat again before dinner.
Off to buy my Tostitos for tonight's dinner shortly.

I'm just sitting down to a crimini mushroom and gruyere omelet and I know that's breakfast because I plan to eat before dinner.
I don't know what the regulations are here. But, that would explain something I have wondered about. We have a chain link around the pool at our condo. Every year, before they fill the pool, they put a tarp-like thing on that entire fence. They take it down again after the pool is emptied. It looks better without it and it would probably get damaged by winter.

The law requires that we have a lifeguard on duty any time anyone goes in the pool.

We have a fence around our pool too, along with a locking gate. And now we have motion-activated lights. Kids used to climb over the fence all the time.

The county tried to make us require a lifeguard, along with all sorts of safety equipment, but we were under the number of people that would justify all that.
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Gruyere cheese in an omelette... that's just decadent.

Now I'm looking at one of those wasps with the real skinny part between the abdomen and the thorax wondering how he got in-between the screen and the window. What is it with my house and insects that sting...
Computer problems have been solved. This time when the problem happened everyone was here to witness it. The power supply box was going. It finally went with gusto last night. Don't you just love those A-HA! moments when your right? This one is much quieter. Haven't yet been dissed off the net. Knock wood. :innocent:
Gruyere cheese in an omelette... that's just decadent.

Now I'm looking at one of those wasps with the real skinny part between the abdomen and the thorax wondering how he got in-between the screen and the window. What is it with my house and insects that sting...
I may be wrong, but I believe those are solitary wasps and usually female. They eat nectar from flowers and kill insects and stuff to feed their babies.
I opened the window and the screen and it flew away. Fortunately in the right direction.
Glenn and I just returned from a 9-day northern Minnesota vacation. Beautiful and restful. No Internet. No nothing but beautiful scenery and perfect weather.

I've finally finished cropping and editing the 65 pictures we took. I somehow managed to miss packing our good camera and ended up having to use the one in my cell phone. It took surprisingly good photos. I'll share a few here.

The first one is the lakeside of my aunt and uncle's log home. Fabulous house. We hated to leave.

The second one is what they see from the big windows. The lake is pristine and only a few feet from the house. They have a gorgeous sandy path about 100 feet long that leads to the water.

The last one is of the water. What you're viewing is a portion of the water about 2- to 3-feet deep near the dock. It's as clear as drinking water. Unbelievable.


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