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I've got a meatloaf in the oven, some potatoes coming to a boil, some frozen corn in a pot with S&P and smoked paprika, and some freshly hard cooked eggs in the fridge... for later. Busy night.
Heh! You were the one talking about cleaning screens, etc!:LOL: I personally think I am allergic to daylight and being awake.:ROFLMAO:
I certainly am allergic to morning. I even have a little Snoopy figurine to attest to that:

I don't mind daylight, and I really like fresh air when it's the right temp. Hence, my pretense at being a cleaning lady and washing screens - but using soapy water should have taken care of any dust, right?


I'm listening to the baseball game online, wondering if I should pour a wee bit more beer from the growler. Stopped for fresh brew from the guy in the next town so we had some for our fish fry tonight and our hot dogs tomorrow. I have no idea what the ABV is but I'm finding this to be a very happy beer. Yup, happy, not hoppy. :cool:
I'm putting my feet up after a bit of a wild day. I had intended not to go out but get caught up on laundry and work on my never-ending craft studio reno.

TB was dealing with the flu still so I held off on laundry so he could rest and wasn't sure when he was taking his shower. I just got a load in after he left for work at 1 pm when a young woman who has been like a daughter to us called quite upset. Her Mom breeds Bull Terriors and was at a dog show in California. Her Dad stayed home with a new litter of pups but also hurt his foot badly and wasn't moving around easily. He called his daughter this morning to say one of the older dogs was dead in her kennel. The young woman is newly separated and has two young children and no vehicle. So, I ended up picking her and the dog up and taking it to the vet for cremation. I am an animal lover through and through and will help out in any way I can.

Then I went to Costco for an item they didn't have...I got out 1 hour and $175 later. :LOL: When the cashier asked if I got everything I needed I said "nope, but I got everything I didn't need"! ;)

I came home to our little monkey asleep on a table just inside the door way on some reusable grocery bags. It was cute but also a start. I wrote about it in the smile thread but since have learned that she got out (must have been when I left) and our neighbour's granddaughter caught her. The neighbour has a key, so her granddaughter put Monkey inside on that table. I guess that is where she stayed!

Finally, I am worried about Violet. She has been glued to me all day and is whining a lot. I am hoping her hips aren't bothering her again. There isn't much more they can giver her for the pain. We were told about laser treatments but I have done research and it seems 50/50 whether they work or not.
Right now I am the queen of multitasking. I have a load of clothes in the washer, I'm waiting for the potatoes and eggs to cook for the potato salad for later, I'm pulling all kinds of long hairs from the brushes on my vacuum cleaner (yick!), and in between yanks I'm taking a bite from a goose liver-on-rye-with-mustard sandwich and skimming through DC. AND I'm trying to listen to the Indians game, but with all these other windows open the media player keeps quitting. Guess I have to pick. Sorry guys, I got a game I want to hear! :) Later. *waves*
I just got back in from a day at the range. Well, a couple hours anyway.
A hawk built her nest in the tree right above where I satand to shoot pistols. She was sitting inside the nest. I saw her land in it when I was shooting rifles from 100 yds away, so I guess I wasn't bothering her too bad...she always could have built another nest, as I've been shooting every week so she must have known. I'm sure she'll get more comfortable once the tree gets leaves on it.
This was a pic with my point and shoot from 100 yds away. You can just make out her head.


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I am the last of the big-time procrastinators with my taxes. They are done, somewhat, but I always do them, set them aside, then go back a day or two later and double check to be sure I'm right. I don't know why I put it off. I get everything back now that we're retired. But I figure the sooner we get it the sooner we'll spend it. I'll finish it tomorrow. I had to check back on last year's because something didn't look right and I saw that I did last year's wrong. The error didn't effect the bottom line, so that's probably why I didn't hear from the IRS. It was a stupid mistake. I didn't thoroughly read and follow the instructions.
I'm nursing a sick TB once again. He was doing so much better this week but was up most of the night with stomach problems. It looks like our date night of dinner and a movie (Nando's and Captain America) will become dinner and a movie in (Homemade soup and Silver Linings Playbook).

I am also inventorying all my wool for what looks like I can officially call my crochet business. I just shipped out an order and my friend wants another hat for a photo shoot next week. I have it designed, so it won't take much to do it. But I need to keep track of my yarn (amounts I have and cost) so I can fairly price the finished products.
That's it, Taxy.
For as small a nest as it seems, it must be deep. My guess is she's sitting on eggs already.
That's a nice shot, pac. I've never seen a hawk nesting before, maybe she is a first time mom. :) Thanks for sharing. Your camera takes nice pics from so far away!

I'm nursing a cold and have been layin' low all day, again. :rolleyes: I did manage to get some file folders cleaned up today. I just grabbed a bunch at a time from the desk drawers in the den, brought them out to the living room, and sorted through them while I watched TV. :)
Working my way to going to bed, have laundry to do tomorrow. I'll be back to working on Mondays again until we get a replacement in the Long term Care MDS office...the new hire was a crazy lunatic and was shown the door. So, I'm the back-up and the only one wanting the extra hours right now.
Just got home. Catered a prom tonight...230. All went well. Full day, glad to get it behind us. Short staffed at work. Our main gal that was working for us..found out she was very dishonest. She was taking more than just her tips home at the end of the day. Makes for some longer days & nights for awhile.
That stinks, SB!!! I sure know what that is like, not being able to balance the books because of employees. I hope you can find a good employee.
Sitting on our balcony overlooking the ocean and watching the band downstairs outside playing Kiss, Joan Jett, the Stones, they're again surprisingly good for being non-English speakers! :LOL: Some creative use of lyrics, but instrumentally, they're tight.

DH is feeling under the weather and is inside trying to sleep, so I'm rocking out by myself.
That stinks, SB!!! I sure know what that is like, not being able to balance the books because of employees. I hope you can find a good employee.
Thank you. You think you know a person after 3 years..Hope there are still some honest people out there.
That's a shame SB. I hate to hear things like that. Instead of being appreciative of having a job, people have to get greedy and think they deserve more. Someone else would have been happy to have that job. Hopefully you will find an honest replacement. You don't want me....I would be eating up the profits.:ROFLMAO:
SB, I am so sorry you had to go through this. I have had a lot of staff through the years and have been very lucky. I am sending big hugs your way.

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