Oversized Pictures

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depends on what software you use, Irfanview offers (under "Edit / Resize") these options:


  • pix size.jpg
    pix size.jpg
    14.3 KB · Views: 241
Inches is a meaningless term for digital photos. Pixel density varies from monitor to monitor. What measures an inch on one screen might be 10 inches on another.
Are you seeing an improvement now on these photos? we've made some adjustments....
Uck! I went to my thread about my engagement to make sure my photos aren't too big. They are not. They are very small and fit well in the message body.

With love,
Let's check I didn't edit this one at all...yes, I am that chubby and fuzzy.


  • today 5-14-14.jpg
    today 5-14-14.jpg
    29.4 KB · Views: 245
Uck! I went to my thread about my engagement to make sure my photos aren't too big. They are not. They are very small and fit well in the message body.

With love,

Your pictures were fine Cat. We are all looking forward to your wedding album in July. Or will you be too busy with Catina II to post? :angel:
Let's check I didn't edit this one at all...yes, I am that chubby and fuzzy.

Love your bonnet! With summer coming I want to get another sun bonnet like I had in Texas. You know the kind. The ones that the Pioneer women wore while crossing with their covered wagons. :angel:
Love your bonnet! With summer coming I want to get another sun bonnet like I had in Texas. You know the kind. The ones that the Pioneer women wore while crossing with their covered wagons. :angel:

That's actually a winter hat, all black velvet, but we were having a "Hat Day" at work and it's my favorite. It has purple flowers on it. I had so much purple on I looked like a giant blueberry rolling down the halls.

Today is Hawaiian Shirt Day!
Yup, what Kayelle said. AND...if that's your office, it looks way too neat for someone who works as hard as you do. You DO work hard, right? Or is it that you hardly work? :LOL: j/k :flowers:
You're cute as a button PF!

Thanks, KL...having a good hat day:LOL:

Yup, what Kayelle said. AND...if that's your office, it looks way too neat for someone who works as hard as you do. You DO work hard, right? Or is it that you hardly work? :LOL: j/k :flowers:

That is the medical records office, my office looks like a typhoon went through...feel like all i do is chase paper.

And about the same size as one too... :ROFLMAO:

I WILL kick you in the ankle...

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