What is your weather like right now?

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I love NCIS too. I have an NCIS t-shirt (kinda like an FBI or Police shirt)

You know, people on social media sites have told me that things were wrong with one of our broadcasts, and I was able to pass on the info to the offending affiliate.
I forget who it was (CG, maybe?), but someone here clued me in to a captioning problem once, and it ended up being a fairly big investigation.

It fixed itself about 3 minutes before NCIS started, but we missed Wheel and Jeopardy. It was just blank, then picture with no sound. On both affiliates, one out of Cheyenne and the other from South Dakota (KOTA).

I only get to see it every other week, so when I miss, I'm a bot touchy about it.

Next time I'll pay closer attention and let you know...write stuff down so I can give good information....HAH!:wacko:
We're having an unseasonably warm day today. Look at the low, though. That's tomorrow's high. Brrr.


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It fixed itself about 3 minutes before NCIS started, but we missed Wheel and Jeopardy. It was just blank, then picture with no sound. On both affiliates, one out of Cheyenne and the other from South Dakota (KOTA).

I only get to see it every other week, so when I miss, I'm a bot touchy about it.

Next time I'll pay closer attention and let you know...write stuff down so I can give good information....HAH!:wacko:

That includes your time and zone.
Yeah, are you responsible for the big changeover for our local NBC station? At just the right moment on Jan 1st, it will move from one channel to another. It better not be in the middle of a show. There are plenty of commercials they can interrupt.

Nope, GG's got it, CBS.

It fixed itself about 3 minutes before NCIS started, but we missed Wheel and Jeopardy. It was just blank, then picture with no sound. On both affiliates, one out of Cheyenne and the other from South Dakota (KOTA).

I only get to see it every other week, so when I miss, I'm a bot touchy about it.

Next time I'll pay closer attention and let you know...write stuff down so I can give good information....HAH!:wacko:

LOL. I'll talk to our satellite ops the next time it happens.

I believe he works for CBS, so I'm guessing no ;)

Yep, thanks.
It fixed itself about 3 minutes before NCIS started, but we missed Wheel and Jeopardy. It was just blank, then picture with no sound. On both affiliates, one out of Cheyenne and the other from South Dakota (KOTA).

I only get to see it every other week, so when I miss, I'm a bot touchy about it.

Next time I'll pay closer attention and let you know...write stuff down so I can give good information....HAH!:wacko:
We only get 1 CBS station :(
We use an old-fashioned antenna and can get PBS, CBS, NBC, and FOX from both Boston and Providence. Only the Boston ABC station comes in regularly, though. A couple of CWs, Ion, and a bunch of independents and we're good. Simple needs, TV-wise. Works for us.


...are you responsible for the big changeover for our local NBC station? At just the right moment on Jan 1st, it will move from one channel to another...
Addie, the Boston NBC station, WHDH, isn't even going to be an NBC station come January. They'll want you to keep watching them. You better know ahead of time which new station number/cable number you need to set your TV to if you want to keep watching an NBC program. If you have cable, they may make the switch automatically, but don't rely on it.


Our weather? They promised I'd see sun sometime today when I checked my weather app. Curse you, Weatherbug, all I've had is fog. :( The did get the falling temperatures right, though. At least the pavement is dry. No sledding hill when we leave the garage tomorrow, and I won't have to worry about trying to get the car back up it, either.
We had snow again last night (well, morning, at 4am)! Officially it was a rain/snow mix, but seeing it come down under the streetlights, you could certainly tell it was more snow than rain. Here it was just a dusting. My friend further north (about 20 miles) got almost 2 inches and some cars coming into the city looked lie they'd been buried in snow. And now our forecast is back to snow for Christmas.
We have 15°F here along the river. Beagle still doesn't like it. And she still won't wear her sweater.
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