Am I Over-Reacting?

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
I'm not sure.

These are such uncertain times in our crazy World right now.
I saw early today on other Social Media Sites that there's no food on the store shelves! (I haven't ventured out, self-containment and all)
That the first thing to go is the food supply train.

I'm very concerned about my elderly Mother living a good 9 hour car ride away from us.
She doesn't cook for herself anymore, she goes out to eat three times a week with her life-long friend who lives near her. She lives off of her leftovers from her restaurant meals and fills in with microwavable ready to eat meals.

Well, if all of the shelves are bare and restaurants are shutting down …

My Mother does live in a Senior Living Community; she could sign up for the dining hall meals, but I'm beating that will be ending soon. My Mom's girl friend is older than she and has been going through some pretty serious health issues aka can't get around very well. Mom's friend has her family still there, living close at hand, but I can't depend upon them to look after my Mother too.

Here's what I purposed to DH:

Let's drive out to California and get Mom, bring her back here to ride this out with us "In The Middle Of The Desert".

He's still debating … I'm concerned!
I think I would go round up my mum, if I were in the same situation. You will be able to make sure she is getting decent food and helping her be able to practise social distancing. Maybe try to arrange something so she and her friend can stay in touch by Skype.
I understand your concerns.

For what it's worth, I decided years ago to NEVER believe anything I read on social media. There is so much misinformation you cannot be sure of anything.

SO and I were at the market Thursday and all the shelves were fully stocked. My daughter went shopping today with the same results.

I have heard nothing at all on TV news about food shortages.

All that said, if you want to go bring your mom home, you should.
I've seen on- line pics of empty store aisles, but that doesn't mean it's Her store. News articles here say some restaurants are starting to use social distancing in seating people at every other table, probably ok if business is down.

I'd recommend Mom call ahead for "to go" meals or delivery. And I'd be in the car on the way to pick up Mom at Sunrise mañana. This brings out all that is good when I say "you go girl".
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The only empty shelves we've seen are there the TP and paper towels are. I haven't seen food as an issue.
Kgirl, I so understand your concern. If I were in your shoes and able to pick up my mom, I would do so for peace of mind. You'll spend much less time worrying about her being alone.

Covid itself may or may not be as bad as the media is portraying, but the panic surely is. :wacko:

Hugs to you all. :wub:
K-Girl, you're a wonderful daughter for wanting to go get your Mom and keep her at your house for the duration. Especially since you swore you wouldn't do it after her last trip to AZ. You might need more than one case of $3 Chuck. ;)

...For what it's worth, I decided years ago to NEVER believe anything I read on social media. There is so much misinformation you cannot be sure of anything...
I am this >< close to self-quarantining myself from social media, mostly Facebook. The hysteria from one half of my friends is ridiculous, whereas the complacency from the other half is...well, not all that complacent, but still a bit disconcerting.
K-Girl, you're a wonderful daughter for wanting to go get your Mom and keep her at your house for the duration. Especially since you swore you wouldn't do it after her last trip to AZ. You might need more than one case of $3 Chuck. ;)

I am this >< close to self-quarantining myself from social media, mostly Facebook. The hysteria from one half of my friends is ridiculous, whereas the complacency from the other half is...well, not all that complacent, but still a bit disconcerting.

Aw c' know I'm just the comic relief! Not complacent, but not going crazy, either.
If your mom is in good shape I would let her make the decision.

I would encourage her and her friend to sign up for meals at their senior living facility and hunker down until this thing blows over.

Good luck to you and your family.
Yeah,, I sorta have to agree with Aunt Bea as well. and a 9 hour trip (18 return) is also a serious decision. and to throw some more wrenches into the works, the dining hall would mean 2 or 3 trips to it daily - would she?

as to complete panic idiocy - Cosco in Vaudreuil is completely devoid of toilet paper as of a week ago - Walmart in Vaudreuil is also completely devoid of toilet paper... both witnessed by my friend. We were both at the Independent yesterday and a LOT of shelves were empty... toilet paper, pasta, tomato sauces, eggs... and other stuff that I was in too much shock to even register what it was... oh yeah, one was chicken -

and Montreal does not yet have one confirmed case of the virus...
I have my Mom (who is 80) with me. We are getting so that if we have to get anything (except perishables) we try to get it online. If I have to go into the store, she stays in the car. Once a week, she has a hair appointment, it may change to once every 2 weeks. No Dr appointments scheduled until the middle of next month, but they may change depending on what offices are doing.
Mahalo, thank you everyone for your kind words, comments, and suggestions.
DH and I have talked about this at great length and we both agree with letting Mom make the final decision.
She is still able physically to take care of herself, can still get around, and okay I'll say it, has all of her mental faculties.

I'm going to give it til next week. I usually call once every 2 weeks, but we'll make an exception. She and I will be having a long conversation that day!

We'll see what the situation is like out where she is and I also plan on calling the Director of the facility tomorrow to ask questions of their plans for the residents.

Mom's friend still lives on her own, in her own home, not in the Senior Community Mom's at. Her Son & DIL live less than a mile away and go to see her every morning. I know that would gladly look after my Mom too, but she won't let them! Very proud and stubborn, that woman :wub:

We'll see how this all shakes out.
In my part of NJ the shelves are empty for the most part. Hub and both DD's work at supermarkets. Police are at the stores to keep order.
When product comes in it doesn't make it to the shelves before people go crazy and the boxes/cases are emptied. The butchers put out meats and they are gone in minutes. Fights are breaking out over products. How much do they really need?

I am worried for my family members safety.

When will the greedy pigs people have enough? So normal people can get some necessities?
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In my part of NJ the shelves are empty for the most part. Hub and both DD's work at supermarkets. Police are at the stores to keep order.
When product comes in it doesn't make it to the shelves before people go crazy and the boxes/cases are emptied. The butchers put out meats and they are gone in minutes. Fights are breaking out over products. I am worried for their safety.

When will the greedy pigs people have enough? So normal people can get some necessities?

I agree MsM!
The madness needs to stop! I read a post on another Social Media site:
"... close down the Media for 30 days and watch 80% of the World's problems go away …"
In my part of NJ the shelves are empty for the most part. Hub and both DD's work at supermarkets. Police are at the stores to keep order.
When product comes in it doesn't make it to the shelves before people go crazy and the boxes/cases are emptied. The butchers put out meats and they are gone in minutes. Fights are breaking out over products. How much do they really need?

I am worried for my family members safety.

When will the greedy pigs people have enough? So normal people can get some necessities?

Schools were called in NJ Friday for the next couple of weeks so Friday and the weekend were empty because of this. Costco business by me Friday was a nightmare. Today in and out no issue 3 people in front of me on line.

The replenishing of stock will happen this week. Mad rush already hit. Just stay out of Walmart and you should be fine.

Also call your supermarket and see when shipments come in. Here’s a good article on how that works

As far as mom I would say anyone 60+ definitely should take this seriously. And whoever is around that person should develop a protocol until this sweeps through your area. Put purell at the inside of your front door and make sure people use it. Keep mom out of gathering areas like grocery stores during this. This passes via nose, mouth, and eyes so keep that in mind. Respirator alone won’t stop it. Mask should be n95 or higher. Swim goggles or scuba masks fully seal for eyes. Use gloves publicly especially touching public things like grocery carts. If you are under 60 and relatively healthy then you probably have less to worry about as it is being stated as somewhere between cold and flu but for elderly especially with conditions already it turns can develop into pneumonia.
After the weekend panic, stores are restocking. There is no actual shortage of supplies - it's just that people panicked with the unexpected closing of so many school systems, sports events, etc. Restaurants in my area are offering pickup and delivery instead of dine-in service. Continuing to patronize them would be helpful to the community.

And consider that during the trip, you could encounter the virus and bring it to her. Unless she wants to be with you, I'd suggest leaving things as they are for now.
After the weekend panic, stores are restocking. There is no actual shortage of supplies - it's just that people panicked with the unexpected closing of so many school systems, sports events, etc. Restaurants in my area are offering pickup and delivery instead of dine-in service. Continuing to patronize them would be helpful to the community.

And consider that during the trip, you could encounter the virus and bring it to her. Unless she wants to be with you, I'd suggest leaving things as they are for now.

I would add pay day to that list. But yes restocking is occurring by me except for some common missing items as that needs production not just restocking.
So …

I spent a good half hour on the telephone to the director of my
Mother's Senior Living Community this afternoon.
She had all the right answers!

She remembers me, that I'm one of the kids who does come around on a regular basis.

She didn't recommend us coming out to California,
mainly because we probably wouldn't be able to get in :ohmy:
She told me that many counties have restricted travel to
non-essential persons.

Mom's community has also asked that non-essential visitors
stay away (that reads as ME).
Mom is in the "Independent Living Apartments" but the staff
still keeps tabs on them.
She recommended Instacart deliveries from the local market
as well as pharmacy :clap:
So I set up an account there and gave Mom a call.

She says she's good for food for at least 2 weeks,
that she and her girl friend ventured out this past Sunday
and did okay.

Here's the rub …

(I knew this was coming)

Mom's girl friend's Son (whom I've know my whole life, he's a year older than myself) has put her in total SHUT DOWN MOD!
She is not to go ANYWHERE for ANYTHING!!!
So there's NO gallivanting for those two young kids! :LOL:

Mom thinks that she's going to be able to take
"The Bus" and get her shopping done that way …. NOPE!
The director advised me that that has been suspended,
no bus to anywhere! Mom didn't get that memo yet and
argued the point, but I just gave it up, "Ok Mom, well we'll deal
with that when the need arises"
She seems to think that everything well be just fine and dandy
in two weeks :glare: Ummmm, well ...

SO …

To sum up, for now anyways, Mom is good, I'm going to
leave sleeping dogs lie.
We'll visit all of this again in a coupla weeks :cool:
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