2021 Edition - What are you baking?

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I baked a loaf of WW bread today - this time, using some spelt flour. This was something that I bought by accident - stupid me :rolleyes: - but when I got a bag of what I thought was dark rye (the other 3 were, and is usually the only flour I get at the Amish market), as soon as I emptied it into the (fortunately) empty container, I saw the red color. Sooooo, I figured I'd make stuff for a lady I know, that uses spelt for the few things she bakes - says it doesn't bother her, like hard wheat, for some reason.

For the liquid in this, I used some of the whey drained from yogurt, when making Greek yogurt. Took a little longer to rise, due to the acid, but the flavor wasn't as sour as I was expecting. I only rose it 100 min, to start, then close to an hour in the pan. Same proportions of the same stuff I put in rye all the time - 1/2 tb salt, 2 tb blackstrap, and 2 tb oil, to just under 4 c flour. and about 1 1/4 c whey, to a tb Instant yeast.
Unbaked spelt bread - made with yogurt cheese whey, for the liquid. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Baked spelt/yogurt whey bread by pepperhead212, on Flickr

I have a friend who always wondered why people were so fond of sourdough breads. He found no appeal. Then I served him some spelt sourdough bread, bought at the health food store. When he tasted it, his face broke into a giant smile. Oh! That's what sourdough is for.
Taxlady, that sour tang!

I'm baking 3 cups of butternut squash seeds, for snacking. Water, soy sauce, salt, not too salty. Wanting them to be crisp but not burned, I gotta watch 'em.
Taxlady, that sour tang!

I'm baking 3 cups of butternut squash seeds, for snacking. Water, soy sauce, salt, not too salty. Wanting them to be crisp but not burned, I gotta watch 'em.

Did a mix of seeds last week ( pumpkin, butternut and spaghetti squash).
I love snacking on them.

This time of year, I notice so many people throwing out their fall/ thanksgiving decorations, including pumpkins, squash and hay bales. I'm guilty of sneaking out when its dark, collecting the squash for seeds to roast and the bales for the garden and to insulate my fig trees.
I always save my squash seeds in a jar, after drying, and use them mostly in Mexican dishes, ground up in the VM, with other ing. Today I made a bean dip, based on a Yucatan dip made with mostly pumpkin seeds, with a few tomatoes and a habanero, with some chives added at the end. Only about 1/3 c dry roasted squash seeds to a can of garbanzos, makes it taste like pure pumpkin seeds in the original recipe! Only one chocolate habanero (glad I didn't put two) and one aji dulce made it too hot for most. Was out of tortilla chips (probably a good thing!) so I used some dried chips, sort of, made from a couple very thin slices of that spelt bread, and a bunch of carrots and celery.
Meringue Cookies, and Meringue crowned Pineapple Rings

I made French Meringue for this, and used a simple plastic zipper bag to from the Meringue goodies.

The came out very light, and crispy.

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North


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Baked 5 types of cookies yesterday.

Pecan Tassies (2 batches)
Cream Cheese and Jelly Thumbprint Cookies
Sugar Cookies
Peanut Butter Cookies
I want so much to do some baking... but have no where to pass them on to. Yes, here of course, only so much a small family can consume and so when I see how much you all are baking, drives me nuts! :LOL:

We are not allowed to pass on goodies for fear of allergies! Schools, hospitals, no one wants them. :(
I want so much to do some baking... but have no where to pass them on to. Yes, here of course, only so much a small family can consume and so when I see how much you all are baking, drives me nuts! :LOL:

We are not allowed to pass on goodies for fear of allergies! Schools, hospitals, no one wants them. :(

How about neighbors? When I have too much, I send some to neighbors or MIL. Especially when we lived in L.A. We lived in an older neighborhood, so we had a few elderly neighbors that really enjoyed a visit and some treats too. We shared extra produce from our gardens and baked goods too. Gave us a chance to catch up.

Just a thought.
Not exactly baking, since it is a no-bake dessert, I just put a Chocolate Mousse Pie in the fridge to chill. It will be dessert after the roast tonight...and probably a few more nights!
Done baking:
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Spiced Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
Chocolate Macadamia Cookies With White Chocolate Chunks
Cream Cheese Snickerdoodle Cookies
Pecan Sandies
I need to write it up. I basically replaced 1/2 the fat with cream cheese.


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