Is this a good book for drawing for beginners?

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Head Chef
Sep 11, 2021
30 Days Learning to Draw
My favorite drawing book is Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. It engages the drawer in exercises. It is engaging and exciting.
soon i will be reading this book that you recccomended me
Seeing to believe, I hope you like it. I came across it more than 30 years ago, loved it. I learned from it and then did exercises with my kids (all ages) because it was fun. I will probably go back to it and do more exercises in it again. I'm not a particularly good drawer but I'm amazed when I do the exercises how well I can do with a little help/direction. It's a well known book and method in the artists' communities.
at first i wanted to read this.. but it was in english that is too complicated to me. glad to discover your suggestions


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