What did you eat Thursday, March 21, 2024?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Homemade lentil soup over brown rice.

Nothing interesting for lunch. Just a chicken sandwich brought from home. But for dinner I'm having an odd combination of 4 Bagel Bites as well as vegetable tempura (green bell pepper strips, sliced zucchini and fresh mushrooms).

I made "Thai Green Curry Chicken" from a recipe from Blue Dragon. It uses their Thai Green Curry Paste. I added extra veggies. I have made this a number of times and we really enjoy it. I served it with brown basmati rice.

This time I served with bowls, since it is sort of soupy. This was my first serving.

Thai chicken and veggies over rice.jpg
blissful’s sheet pan veggie hash.
Red bliss potato
Sweet potato
Baby Bella mushrooms
S&P, a few shakes of garlic powder and cayenne pepper.
A squirt of cooking spray.
425f for 45 minutes stirring every 15 minutes.

Serve with a squirt of ketchup.

This stuff never gets old!!! 🐷🐷🐷
@Aunt Bea I need to make that in the next few days. It's been a while. There is meatless meatloaf on the docket for tomorrow.
Today for dinner we had smoothies and apple/apricot/bread pudding, black bagels with strawberry puree.
Pancakes. I had a big lunch.

I haven't had pancakes in years. I suck at making them. There is a place in town that makes great ones. Big and fluffy. I just can't get myself up and presentable early in the morning now that I am semi-retired.

My son and I love breakfast for dinner. Sometimes we just do pancakes and bacon and sometimes I'll make my homemade sausage gravy and biscuits. We usually have that with fried potatoes and scrambled eggs.

I recently bought a mini waffle iron. Will have to use that for dinner at some point. Once I figure out if I can use pancake batter or if I have to use a 'special' waffle batter recipe. Think I'll go look that up.
I recently did some grated potatoes in my griddle. Was supposed to be the waffle plates but I was too lazy to change them. they were great.

I have heard the waffle irons are great for hash browns. I have never tried it, but it makes perfect sense.
I have a Cuisinart Griddler. I'm thinking the panini plates would be really good for hash browns.

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