Kid Nation on CBS, who watched it?

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004
I thought it was one of the best reality TV shows to come out in while.
I thought it was one of the best reality TV shows to come out in while.
I'd never even heard of it before watching a scant few minutes on the view this morning. Had to turn it off after not being able to stomach WG anymore. EH was talking about the show and it did look like something worth watching.
I'd never even heard of it before watching a scant few minutes on the view this morning. Had to turn it off after not being able to stomach WG anymore. EH was talking about the show and it did look like something worth watching.

Sure it is worth watching. The kids so far are getting along really great.

A quickie check at the CBS website has a Saturday at 8pm time slot for a replay of the first show.
I liked it too. For the first 10 minutes I thought they were going to just argue and fight the whole time, but they got it together pretty quickly. For anyone who hasn't seen it and is planning on watching it Saturday, just stop reading my post here because I don't want to give anything away. I will type the rest in white, so if you want to see it, just highlight from here to my signature: I thought the 8-year-old was probably right to go home. He was mature enough to realize that he wasn't able to handle it. He was sure a sweetie! I can't remember his name, but the one 15-year-old boy has not been very nice--it should be interesting to see how he acts next week, now that he knows about the star! When the one girl said, "I'm a beauty queen, I don't do dishes," I wanted to slap her with a dishrag! No, I guess I really wanted to slap her parents (or whoever raised her to have that attitude) with the dishrag! I was proud of the kids for choosing the out-houses over the TV.

:) Barbara
Well the second episode was special. They killed some chickens.

They were oh so close for the fourth group winning the challenge and getting a choice of a massive water slide or lots a watter pumps.

Will the third episode be one where it all goes downhill for the group????
I'm not a fan of kids today (huge understatement), however, I am fascinated by this show.

As one might expect, some of the older kids are stepping up to do what's necessary for the "town" to survive. And some of the younger kids are not, for various reasons. The "middle-aged" kids are the most interesting, I think.

The show is a lot better than what I expected.

From the previews it looks like the yellow team is finally going to do some work next week. I hope so. With their "I don't care" attitude, the other teams are getting pretty fed up and I don't blame them. The other kids were right, the yellow team's bad attitudes have nothing do do with being the youngest. They are following the lead of "Miss Priss" and they need to figure out quick that she is going to ruin their group. I was glad Michael won the $20,000. He was working for the right reasons, while Greg was just trying to win the money. From the previews it looks like Greg is going to blow it next week. If he could have just kept up the hard work he might have still had a shot at the money, since some wanted to give it to him.

Michael could have won the money last week, but did not.

Greg may be doing this for the money, but he did say he wanted the money for college.
I watched it and liked it also:)

I only saw the first eppie (I think that the best part of the eppie was when the girl [don't remember her name] wanted the bike so she started dancing for it:LOL:)

you say the killed some chickens in the second episode?? I certainly never thought that they would make them kill their own meat:ermm:
good for them for doing it!

ps, thank god they took the outhouses instead of the tv, having that around would kind of make the whole thing pointless.
you say the killed some chickens in the second episode?? I certainly never thought that they would make them kill their own meat:ermm:
good for them for doing it!
They didn't make them kill the chickens. It was offered as a choice (in the "old" book that gives them tips on survival). I thought it was actually handled very well and I was proud of the kids.

They didn't make them kill the chickens. It was offered as a choice (in the "old" book that gives them tips on survival). I thought it was actually handled very well and I was proud of the kids.


I thought it was handled well. Only like one kid did not like it that much.
The show was rocking this week.

Greg go off and uses a bunch of sentence enhancers.

A storm comes in and knocks over the out houses.

The girl on the council for the yellow team is going to completely lose it. She should step down and let someone else from her team be on the town council.

Nice to see everyone complete the challenge this week.


A microwave vrs a whole bunch of pizzas???? And a TV as an earlier choice.

I think the show needs to stick to 1880's-1910 type items to win as prizes imo.
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I watched the show after seeing this thread and now it will be a regular part of my DVR schedule. What a great reality show! I have to say Taylor (the snippy girl on the council) is going to grow up to be one of those girls in high school that will drown when it rains because her nose is so high up in the air. *LOL*

I agree completely about the prizes. The fact that they put wood all around the micro doesnt change the fact that it's a microwave!
I agree, but with the choices they were given, I'm glad they chose the microwave over the pizza. I think a lot of the kids were mad, but in the long run they will see that it was the better choice.

Maybe I'm mean but I couldn't even feel sorry for Taylor when she started boo-hooing. She has been so rude and mean, and like the other kids said, I'm getting a little tired of, "Deal with it." She can sure dish it out, but she can't take it. Even at 10 she is old enough to know better than to keep saying that she doesn't need to work or to behave like a decent person because, "I'm a beauty queen."

I am really behind the kids who are looking out for the others and not just themselves. I am really proud of the job some of them are doing.

The show is interesting, but it's pretty clear to me that the children are coached and manipulated by the producers. The whole thing seems even more contrived than other reality shows. Before you start feeling 'proud' of how the children are behaving or the bright ideas they come up with, you need to remember that they ARE influenced to do the things they do by adults who have a stake in the quality of the production.

Reality TV is only partially real.
We all know that it isn't completely real, but just let us enjoy it please! I do think most of the kids are taking this seriously, and I really enjoy the show.

Well This weeks show was much nicer.

Religion certainly is a touchy subject and it was really nice of the whole group to decide on the bibles instead of the mini golf course.

Nice of some of the kids at the town meeting to tell Taylor off.

Another deserving person for the 20 grand.

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