Guess what this is a photo of!

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I just hit refresh and have the weirdest looking screen......

It does kind of resemble a redox monitor, but it is not. Like I said, the end that looks like a probe or sensor isn't at all.
I give up, I ran out of Google images.

I give up, I ran out of Google images.

I've hit page 47 quite a few times myself :(

This item is the latest and greatest. They've only been around since the early nineties, but there are predecessors to this model that were around longer. Not nearly as reliable and not working on the same principle either, which also made them not as trustworthy.

There are instruments/objects out there that can sense individually what this item can sense both of, and people do look at those, but they do not perform my particular item's function. Those items do have "meter" in their names.
No Uncle Bob

Here's some more pics that may or may not help. Looks like you guys are at a standstill or have overtaxed Google :)


  • pic1.jpg
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  • pic2.jpg
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  • pic3.gif
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Don't know what that is, UB, but no it isn't.

OK, here. It looks like no one has gotten what I originally thought I should have smudged out.
The display you see that says; 0' That's read zero feet. Now this item is also used around the world, but zero means zero whether we are talking feet, yards or meters.
Whew! You are getting warm!
It does not measure altitude, one cannot check it for altitude, but it does know where it's at in relation to the ground.
I imagine it will be off to the races if I answer that, Buck, but maybe not.
Here it is: Both things it senses............

Give me 5 minutes to let the pup out :whistling
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