What's on your schedule for today?

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my schedule's emptym, though i would love dinner at a restaurant, to watch a movie together, & to read a book.
work till 8a.

then, get oil changed and a flat fixed. put fixed flat back on truck, and stow the spare.

go home, water lawn again so there's no residual chemicals left from what i put down yesterday. little boys seem to be drawn to places and things that are potentially harmful. i know if i don't water, i'll go outside to find him rolling around on the grass, with fertilizer and grubex stuck all over his body.

sleep a wink or two, then make a costco run, and to home depot or lowes.

back home to continue weeding and transplant a coupla tomatoes that are in pots, patiently waiting for me to make a spot in the garden for them. they'll take up the back end of the row that was radishes this spring. i'll plant more mesculun on the front half of the row.
with this heat, i'll be picking micro then baby greens within 2 weeks.

finally dinner, then bath and books before bedtime for the boy.

and back to work by 11p.
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run oldest to swimming lessons
take little 2 to playground
pick oldest back up
finish cleaning (which I should be doing now but dont wanna)
go outside to try to keep cool.
since we were gone 4 days, I must get these going...

1. start NYT bread for dinner, which I'll do right now before writing another word here:ohmy: okay, done, regular, no fancy schmancy stuff going in
2. correspond with Katie, write her letters, and make a call
3. write a letter to my mothers friends [where she used to live] to update them
4. go to moms and shower her and do her hair and makeup, visit
5. dealership, my cars main console is doing something weird
6. figure out dinner
7. write thank you notes, send
8. put laundry away from weekend, it's washed and dried
9. play on computer with work schedule
10. get up the nerve to toss the candy's I made a KE, wrong day to make candy when I did, they didn't set up, too much humidity
11. go through some cookbooks for ideas about dinner
12. make dinner, snuggle, go to sleep
This afternoon I have a doctor's appointment (skin check after basal cell carcinoma removal 5 years ago) then we're moving more of my son's stuff to his first apartment. He's been sleeping there this past week and today is his day off so he's coming to get most of the rest of his stuff. I guess he'll be moving stuff for the next couple of weeks.
Taking a walk to deliver a 60th birthday card to a friend. Thinking about dinner. Already harvested cukes for the day, a couple of tomatoes yesterday. Not much.
Highlights include:
Take about 100 photographs. Crop and process them.
Write descriptions for about 15 items.
Pack 10 items, print postage, take them to Post Office.
Walk dogs.
Reheat spaghetti, eat it.
Watch TV.
Go to bed.
fed cats and kittens, went to food store early morning, fell asleep sitting in the chair around 9 am , woke 10 30 am, started laundry, clothes in dryer, hoping to go to library and also to my sister's for a haircut. ah just noticed.. too late for library, they closed at 1 pm .
I haven't heard from my sister so I don't know about the haircut either.
since i am sick, not to much on my list.

absolutely have to change cat box

clean up kitchen

shower, have an idea it will make me feel better.

soup or frozen dinner for dinner

watch tv

go to bed EARLY:cool:
since i am sick, not to much on my list. absolutely have to change cat box, clean up kitchen, shower, have an idea it will make me feel better.soup or frozen dinner for dinner watch tv, go to bed EARLY:cool:
hoping you feel better babetoo............


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eat breakfast
catch up on watching the cooking shows that are on Tivo
color/cut hair
get mom, bring her here, do her hair too
TMobil for a fist off:angry:
sweep and wash way too big of a floor
make 'green' multi purpose cleaner
fill 3 spray bottles [2 with ^] the other one with win/gls cln same pagehttp://www.discusscooking.com/forums/Window Cleaner
pay bills
make those "no bakes" [mom'll love 'em]
think 'bout dinner
wait for dh to get home
either dine with or without him, depends on what time he gets here
bed early-ish
Well I've finally finished up the laundry....have my sides made for our dinner, minus the fried green tomatoes, and have the ribs prepped and ready to be put in the oven and then transferred to the grill. I have to run to buy my youngest his school shoes, pay dentist bill, wash the car then high tail my but back here to finish up dinner, eat, then head to school open house...........Whew! I think after all that I'll def. deserve a cold drink.....a margarita sounds awfully tempting.
I went to the library to return books and got more books.
Need to do laundry, refill bird feeders, empty dishwasher, back up my digital files to external hard drive and dvd. Make supper.
Planned to do and accomplished thus far today:

- Emptied litter box
- Baked a batch of English muffins
- Cooked and drained some macaroni for tonight's dinner
- Dropped payment off at insurance office in town
- Went to shop to do some customer work and play with shop kitty, Julie

Unplanned because a friend delivered a bushel of tomatoes to me last night:

- Make and can some oven-roasted tomato sauce
- Can some tomatoes

I may not get the sauce canned but, at least I can get it made and in the refrigerator to put in jars and process tomorrow.

I still have to call one of our upholstery supply vendors for some prices. Today's turned out to be busier than I'd planned/expected.
wait fer company at 9:30
nap after they leave till 1:00
plan din din
call jen & Mom
clean!!! blue dye all over bathroom!! other stuffs all over living room!!
hold hamsters
watch something
maybe hhead out
Planned to do and accomplished thus far today:
Emptied litter box- Baked a batch of English muffins- Cooked and drained some macaroni for tonight's dinner- Dropped payment off at insurance office in town- Went to shop to do some customer work and play with shop kitty, JulieUnplanned because a friend delivered a bushel of tomatoes to me last night:- Make and can some oven-roasted tomato sauce- Can some tomatoes
I may not get the sauce canned but, at least I can get it made and in the refrigerator to put in jars and process tomorrow.I still have to call one of our upholstery supply vendors for some prices. Today's turned out to be busier than I'd planned/expected.
Hum, you didn't mention checking your mail box or the front porch..:huh:..;)
Hum, you didn't mention checking your mail box or the front porch..:huh:..;)

Sorry. You're right. I did check the mailbox. One magazine and some bills. The front porch? Nothing. But...on the side porch was the heater I'd ordered for the downstairs. Guess the UPS man left it and took off. Nothin' else.
Sorry. You're right. I did check the mailbox. One magazine and some bills. The front porch? Nothing. But...on the side porch was the heater I'd ordered for the downstairs. Guess the UPS man left it and took off. Nothin' else.
for some reason, I think something may be on it's way, either today or tomorrow or whenever FED EX delivers to a certain line of a familiar song.............................. "far away places";)
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