6/19/17 Meatless Monday, What Are You Having?

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon

Meatless Monday Baked Ziti here.
I had to be up very early to greet our landscaping crew at 6am, as they start our project today.
So I figured, why not get started early on everything.
I made two pans, one for our early supper and one for our
next door neighbor's lunch.
I wanted to get the oven off before it got too hot today... suppose
to be 103!!

What Are You Having?
Does salmon count as meatless? ;)

We didn't get the salmon on the grill over the weekend so I am planning to do it today. I will get it in the fish basket and ready for TB when he gets home. It doesn't take long.

I am planning corn on the cob, kale & arugula salad, and maybe some rice for TB.
We grilled pork steaks and had it with new potatoes and a salad. Every one was happy and it was fun.
I'm making an orzo salad, using up fresh veggies from the fridge before I go on vacation next week. Chopped up mix-ins will be artichoke hearts, zucchini, cucumber, red onion, spinach, and grape tomatoes. Dressing will be some kind of vinaigrette. Oh and just thought of something else...maybe some toasted pine nuts sprinkled on top. Sounds good to me! :yum:
I had fruit for breakfast, but had a pulled pork sammich for lunch, so I'm already banned from the game.

Meatless Monday wasn't, for us.

SO And GD had dinner salads. I had a steak sandwich and a side salad.
One of those blah days... Needed comfort food so, it was breakfast this afternoon..

Ham (meatless of course :LOL:) eggs, hash browns and hot biscuits...

We had salads and leftovers. No meat (or protein of any kind) in the salad. If you don't count the small bites of ham, our ham and bean soup was meatless. :LOL: Guess we weren't exactly meatless.
The gazpacho Karen mentioned earlier.


If you like roquefort, you should try the Papillon Black Label. I discovered this cheese while in Antibes on business. They also have a red label, but I don't care for it.
I'm glad I had an early start this hot day, so we could have an icy cold Asian dinner tonight along with TJ's Shrimp Toasts. Hit the spot.:yum:


Kayelle, when I make that recipe for sesame noodles, the noodles are a dark chocolate brown. Im surprised to see yours so light-colored. I'm guessing you use light soy sauce.

Thanks for the reminder, I have the fixings for sesame noodles in the house.
Spanakopita with double the veggies I usually use. I make it relatively low fat (for spanakopita) by dabbing on olive oil (not butter) with my fingers. A whole recipe, which is two large meals' worth, uses only about 1/3 cup oil.

Ingredients: 2 bags of spinach, a container of mushrooms, and a big vidalia onion; TJ's light feta, grated asiago, and eggs; fresh basil & dried dill; a sleeve of phyllo and olive oil.
Kayelle, when I make that recipe for sesame noodles, the noodles are a dark chocolate brown. Im surprised to see yours so light-colored. I'm guessing you use light soy sauce.

Thanks for the reminder, I have the fixings for sesame noodles in the house.

Hmmm, I always use nothing special Kikkoman or TJ's soy sauce and the noodles are never dark. After poaching the shrimp, I marinated them in some of the noodle sauce also and they were delish!!!
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