Anyone else bummed that it's fall?

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shpj4 said:
Here in Southern California we have until the end of October before it cools off. Today it is in the 80's and I have all my windows closed. I wish we had a Fall like most states with the beautiful colors across the countryside and in the trees. Our trees do turn orange and yellow but not like the East Coast.

We have our seasons, but they're just more...subtle. Right now, on the SoCal coast where I live, I can feel that little crispness to the air that foretells fall.

So while we don't have the glorious colors of fall or the possibility of a Currier & Ives-like Christmas, we also don't have the bug problems and unbearable humidity in the summer, we don't have to shovel snow in the winter or deal with blizzards, we don't usually worry about tornadoes, and we never have hurricanes. Yeah, yeah, we have the occasional earthquake, but I feel quite lucky to live in such a temperate, almost weather-less clime in which you can pretty enjoy the outdoors all year round.
I love the change of seasons, and always ready for the next one. They are not very dramatic here. But it is lovely to be able to have lunch outside in spring, have everything outside in the summer, begin thinking about pumpkins and casseroles in the autumn, and nesting in the winter.
FryBoy said:
Not me! Fall is my favorite season.
Me, too! Autumn is the bonus we get for having to go through Winter. There's nothing quite like the smell of falling leaves.
:) I love the fall in northern New Mexico[where I live at 7500 ft elevation] its already getting to the lower 40s to upper 30s at night its great we sleep with the windows open but stay warm with a really nice down comforter.Problem right now is the bears, for some reason the acorns did not come out this year which is a huge calorie food for them,so they are roaming big time looking for more food as they need a alot more fat to hibernate.
I'm with you cora. Our summer was much too short this year. I do love the fall, but I still want a few more days of summer. Today and for the next few days it should be close to 80 which is great.
I don't mind fall... until it starts to get cold on a daily basis. Then I hate it because it means we'll have 6 months of winter lol.
I love "sweater weather" but really dislike having to wear a winter coat. When it gets cold enough for a coat, I just freeze and don't want to come out again until the Spring.

Granted our temps may not seem real cold to people up north but everyone aclimates to their area. It was 74 driving home from Alabama, I had the convertible down and the heat on. I was a little cold because of the wind chill.

I really dislike winter. I like to head north to ski and see the snow a couple of times a year but that's enough for me.
As a witness to a miserably hot summer, the hints of fall this season is truly inviting!!!!
I'm on the "great!!" side of the fence. I've lived much of my life in Florida and Hawaii, and when people say they have no seasons, I always respond with the fact that they BOTH do, they are just more subtle and, well different. Pointsettias actually bloom at Christmas. I could go on. BUT I really enjoy living in a place where the seasons are more obvious and intrusive. Tonight is supposed to bring in our first cool weather and we're loving it. The leaves are starting to turn. No, I do NOT miss year-round warmth.
The transition to what we call Autumn is a mixed bag for me. I miss the warmth of the sun, and how happy everyone seems to be in summer and of course the long evenings. But I love the smell of the leaves as they fall, and all the pretty colours, and wearing soft jumpers and hats and scarves, and of course the beginning of football (soccer) season, and then of course there are all the lovely autumn foods, warming casseroles, apple crumble, poached quince.............
Half Baked said:
I don't like the early darkness either. Bleck!

And I am looking forward to it!! I go running after dark, so that means I can go earlier! I hate exposure to the sun, that is why I wait till the sun goes down.
Where I live, I get a definite show of all 4 seasons. I'm always ready for the next season to start, usually because I'm sick of the one that is just ending. This generally holds true for all seasons with the exception of winter. I just cannot seem to get on board for winter, ever.

Autumn is lovely here. The mornings are crisp and cool and the afternoons are warm and sunny. The trees are a kaleidiscope of colours. So, to answer your question, I'm ready. I am loathe to see the summer, with it's extended daytime, end, but I am ready for the next season to begin.
Not at all! I love the fall! I remember growing up in New England t'was my favorite time of the year. I like the cooler temps, and there ain't nothing that can beat a New England fall. The colors, the harvest . . . . . ooh la la! Fresh apple cider, just picked apples either eaten as is or baked into an apple pie, or maybe apple crisp. Bright orange pumpkins begging to be bought and carved into a jack-o-lantern for Halloween (and/or pumpkin pie, but I wasn't fond of pumpkin pie in my youth).

Of course, you can't forget the other winter harvest items. Butternut and Acorn squash topped the list for me.

Now, I'm in Minnesota. T'aint the same as New England. *sigh*

Not bad, mind you, but not New England. *sigh*
kyles said:
The transition to what we call Autumn is a mixed bag for me. I miss the warmth of the sun, and how happy everyone seems to be in summer and of course the long evenings. But I love the smell of the leaves as they fall, and all the pretty colours, and wearing soft jumpers and hats and scarves, and of course the beginning of football (soccer) season, and then of course there are all the lovely autumn foods, warming casseroles, apple crumble, poached quince.............

A question just occured to me... to Kyles or anyone from downunder... do you guys still call the season around June-August "SUMMER" and regard it as a cold season? Or this time of the year becomes a "WINTER" to you? Vice versa about the period between December and February... It just got me suddenly curious!
Yes, we call your summer our winter, and vice versa. We are just coming into spring now.

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