Anyone get sick of their own cooking?

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Senior Cook
Nov 9, 2020
I think that i am burning out on my own cooking. I don't mean permanently but I need a break with someone else's cooking. That may be normal i think. My cooking doesn't taste as good as it used to.
Maybe it's just time to expand your repertoire. Try something new. Try a cuisine you haven't tried cooking before.
Im always on a quest for new cuisines, tastes ingredients , techniques .... Although I have enough recipes to go months without repeats, I still find myself looking for something new to break up he monotony.

Anytime Im in the market and see a product or produce Im not familiar with, I buy it and find something to do with it.

So the simple answer is yes, I do get bored which keeps me on the quest for inspiration of new ideas.

When I travel, I always try to eat at restaurant local to the area Im visiting to try new regional things. And will often order an extra dish or two if there is something Im curious to taste. I recently went to a Tibetan Restaurant and ordered enough food for like 6 people ( it was just my wife and I). but I was curious to try something new, and knew I wouldn't be in the area again for awhile.

Even being a vegetarian, I still pay attention to recipes with meat, so I can adapt a recipe similar in taste that I can eat.
I don't really get bored with my cooking, but sometimes I have a hard time of thinking of something I'm in the mood for. Often, however, something triggers a craving, like seeing that yesterday was National Chili Day, or seeing something that someone here made, and I just have to make it!

Back when I first got into cooking, in the early 70s, it took a while to build up a good number of spices and other seasonings (not readily available then, and long before the internet), and I'd see a recipe, with something I didn't have, so I'd have to find it! In the 80s, I started going up to NYC occasionally, and you could find anything there, if you knew where to go! Philly didn't have much back then, though that has changed, and now, even the suburbs in my area have just about anything. Plus, the internet, of course.

My first cuisine obsession was Chinese, and I got just about every essential ingredient for it. Later, the Thai, and other SE Asian cooking. And most recently, Indian cooking, mostly that from the southern regions, but some from others, as well. Eventually, I got just about every ingredient I would see in any of the recipes I would see.

Another thing that I had to do sometimes, when I could not find an ingredient anywhere, was to grow it! And this is another thing that helps keep my food interesting, and sometimes things I'm looking forward to, especially in the summer, when I'm waiting for that first ripe tomato! And I'm always trying new things there, and inside, as well. So there's always something to keep me interested in food!

I could imagine "burn out" if you were cooking breakfast, lunch and dinner for a family of 10. Maybe you just need a new perspective.
Recently, I´ve tried some delicious food from Viet Nam and South Korea. Have a look at what they offer.
Or you could just think of a country you´ve never been to: Colombia, for example, or Croatia.
Or think of one or two ingredients you´ve never tried or which you like very much and search for new recipes.

Another thing that I had to do sometimes, when I could not find an ingredient anywhere, was to grow it! And this is another thing that helps keep my food interesting, and sometimes things I'm looking forward to, especially in the summer, when I'm waiting for that first ripe tomato! And I'm always trying new things there, and inside, as well. So there's always something to keep me interested in food!

Definitely this.
During the growing season, I have so many things to ' play with' right outside my kitchen door.

Although I grow he basics, I always throw in a few new things each year for more variety, different flavors and just out of curiosity to see how they grow ( assuming I can get the damn things to grow and produce, but thats a different story).

Part of my issue , with a restrictive diet ( vegetarian ( almost vegan) and low carb) is both a blessing and a curse. The curse part of it prohibits me from either eating things I used to eat, therefore limiting what I can make. Or jus heavily restricting what I want to do ( the low carbs). On the other hand, It forces me o be more creative, which I love. Looking for, and trying many new things. exploring new cultures , cuisines and diets.

Im not much of an International traveler, so I do my travel through my kitchen, the ingredients I use and all the different cuisines I try. Of the 6 days I cook dinner ( the seventh we usually take in), each night almost always consists of aa different cuisine from a different country, as not to get bored. When I meet new people from different places, the conversation almost always ends with me asking for some kind of recipe ( assuming they like to cook). W

What's funny, is people often get excited when they find out that im interested in here food and want to share recipes and ideas. Its like I was the first person to ever ask them. And this is how I got some of my best, long lasting recipes / food ideas.
I saw a quote sometime back..."Who knew that the hardest part of growing up would be deciding what to have for dinner every night...." Or something like that.
When I get bored with what we've been eating (what I've been cooking), I look through the 8 million (or so) recipes I've saved for something new. I like keeping them on Copy Me That because it keeps the photo and that helps.
I'm tired of cooking for just myself. I have, at last count, 433 personally developed recipes, none of which could qualify as "cooking for one" meals, and I'm tired of throwing away leftovers from those meals because they've been in the fridge too long.
I'm tired of cooking for just myself. I have, at last count, 433 personally developed recipes, none of which could qualify as "cooking for one" meals, and I'm tired of throwing away leftovers from those meals because they've been in the fridge too long.

That's how I ended up married, close to 30 years ago. I switched to sandwiches for a while and got sick of them...went back to cooking and started invited friends to join me. DH is the brother of one of those friends.
That's how I ended up married, close to 30 years ago. I switched to sandwiches for a while and got sick of them...went back to cooking and started invited friends to join me. DH is the brother of one of those friends.

Sort of how I got together with my current DH. I had known him for almost 10 years, through my ex-DH. I was recently separated and it didn't take long to get tired of only cooking for one. So, I started inviting friends over for supper on the weekends. It got to be a regular weekend thing, with four or five friends. I invited him to join us when he got in touch with me. A couple of years of that and we got together. A year after that, I moved in with him. We started planning our wedding (quite low key) when I got my divorce papers.
Sort of how I got together with my current DH. I had known him for almost 10 years, through my ex-DH. I was recently separated and it didn't take long to get tired of only cooking for one. So, I started inviting friends over for supper on the weekends. It got to be a regular weekend thing, with four or five friends. I invited him to join us when he got in touch with me. A couple of years of that and we got together. A year after that, I moved in with him. We started planning our wedding (quite low key) when I got my divorce papers.

I knew my DH before we got together too. I've known him and his family since I was about 13. We didn't hang with the same crowd. We didn't get together until we were in our 30's! :ohmy:
That's how I ended up married, close to 30 years ago. I switched to sandwiches for a while and got sick of them...went back to cooking and started invited friends to join me. DH is the brother of one of those friends.

Sort of how I got together with my current DH. I had known him for almost 10 years, through my ex-DH. I was recently separated and it didn't take long to get tired of only cooking for one. So, I started inviting friends over for supper on the weekends. It got to be a regular weekend thing, with four or five friends. I invited him to join us when he got in touch with me. A couple of years of that and we got together. A year after that, I moved in with him. We started planning our wedding (quite low key) when I got my divorce papers.

I knew my DH before we got together too. I've known him and his family since I was about 13. We didn't hang with the same crowd. We didn't get together until we were in our 30's! :ohmy:
One of you guys needs to start a thread about "How I met my spouse/significant other". ;)
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