beerco said:
I don't want to start a flame war or step on toes, but scientific evidence shows that most of these detox diets are bunk. There is not "years of accumulation" in your bowels from just living. Your body moves stuff through as a matter of course.
I wasn't going to even deign a response to this thread, but when I saw your name, Weeks, I had to take a peek. A good Airman surely wouldn't fall for this, would he?
So on with my cent's worth...
Once upon a time, a gent by the name of Dr. Metchnikoff won the Nobel for discovering what white cells do and also is attributed as the founder of the idea that something in the bowel causes toxicity, disease, and aging in the average person. Up to a century ago, there were many intelligent and keen people who believed this, but (again) that was a century ago
when biology was considerably less sophisticated. We know a lot more today. I guess to some, the concept "sounds" good (flush out all those toxins), but in reality, this method delivers nothing more than additional health concerns and a lot of money into the coffers of those who sell the stuff, in any form or fashion.
If the bowel produced all those toxins, I think that the average rabbit, which is required to eat its own feces to get enough B12, would be in real trouble.