Are these tomatoes going to be ok?

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Assistant Cook
Oct 11, 2022
Hi, relatively new to canning. This will be my third year doing it. I have followed my canto my recipes closely and filled to proper head space. My neighbor who is a life long canner has told me not to worry but I cannot help myself. I hadn’t had this problem with the first few batches of tomatoes but have on the last 2 rounds. I’ve done a hot pack in 1 pt jars with added citric and about 1” headspace. Water bath canning and processing for 35 minutes. I have had some liquid loss and food stuck to the INSIDE of the rim. The jars still popped and have the proper noise when tapped, the jars that had this issue from about 2 weeks ago are still sealed up and I recently used them. I’m just wondering if I’m being paranoid or if the seal is good and it still releases when opened if they are safe to consume down the road.


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I haven't done any canning in a few decades, so I am not up to date on what is and isn't safe. I think that there is a limit of how much liquid can siphon out and it's still safe, if it is properly sealed. Someone who knows more about this will probably reply. They might even give you a link to one of the safe canning sites.

BTW, were you water bath canning, steam canning, or pressure canning?
Water bath, the jars are sealed and some have been for 2 weeks and I’ve used them without issue. I just didn’t k ow if there is something to watch out for. I couldn’t find any info on food actually sticking to rim
I wouldn't worry about the food sticking to the inside up by the rim. There is water in the jar and it is hydrated. If some of the food was between the lid and rim, it will start to dry from the outside, and then it will unseal the jar in a matter of days or a week...letting air in, you'll know. Store your jars with the rings off, so you notice that.

You can lose some water, or sauce as it is, it's called siphoning, and you only have a little siphoning going on, so you are safe.
Thanks! Having a second person align with my neighbor defiantly eases my concern. I’ve told my wife and kids to always double check the jars before they open any tomatos or salsa to make sure it was sealed and has that sucking sound when the vacuum is broken when they open it.
Thanks! Having a second person align with my neighbor defiantly eases my concern. I’ve told my wife and kids to always double check the jars before they open any tomatos or salsa to make sure it was sealed and has that sucking sound when the vacuum is broken when they open it.
I always 'shhhhhush' them, for a second when I open jars so I can hear the sucking sound! Shush for just a second!

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