Billionaires To Give Away Their Fortunes

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Chief Eating Officer
Jul 14, 2004
No matter what you think of Microsoft, you have to give Bill Gates a lot of credit for this project that he and Warren Buffett have started. They are trying to get the USA's 400 richest people to pledge to give away at least half of their money to charity either when they die or before that. So far they have 38 people who have signed up. They are not legally bound by this but it is a pledge based on their word and honor to do the right thing. I find this to be an amazing idea and I am impressed that so many have already signed up. I will be very curious to see how this progresses.

The Giving Pledge
That's really something.

He called me but I told him I had already committed my fortune.
it just goes to show that they have so much money they don't need or want it. Even i'd be hard pressed to try and spend billions

It's a great idea and I hope the charities benefit enormously .
I heard about this on the news. I'd be more impressed if I knew how much of a tax deduction they were getting on it. AND if they'd disclose what charities they were donating to (remember rich/famous spouses who have headed up charities and made half-million $$$ salaries? Do any of them have relatives in paid positions on those charities?). I hate to be such a cynic, but .... I just hope it is as good as it seems on the surface. Seen too much in the world of "charity".
If everybody would give 10% to charity the life would be really good here. Doesn't have to be wealthy or super wealthy. Anybody can give 10%.

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