Going away for a few days, so had to get my excess bounty under control

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
With the overflow of cucumbers and tomatoes, and the fact Ill be away a few days, decided to process some tomatoes for freezing ( 5 quarts tomato puree, 2 quarts puree with chopped tomatoes and 3 quarts of skinned tomatoes for tomato soup in the future ). In addition, made 4 quarts of cucumber salad ( 2 for mom and dad, and the other two for when I get back).

Ill aggressively pick tomatoes tomorrow. Many showing signs for color will be picked and ripen in the kitchen by the sliding door for when we get back. Anything ripe will get frozen. And any grape or cherry tomatoes that are ripe will be taken to snack on. Probably cut up a few cukes too, to snack on in the car.

Also giving aa bunch of cukes and string beans too people at work ( who I know will pickle them).

When I get back, Ill have my work cut out for me.

Oh yeah, made a focaccia too. Froze it in portion sized pieces for suture consumption.


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Wow, good job.

We bought a new, bigger freezer to accommodate all the excess garden stuff. Should have went for the larger one. When we get back will have to reorganize . This was only my first batch of tomatoes . Guarantee Ill ge several more batches. I have dehydrated them in the past, which takes up less storage space.
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