couldn't be easier...Make sure you buy green peanuts, meaning
they haven't been dry roasted like most are sold. Might take
a little digging till you find em. Been plenty of Yankees that
tried it that way, boiled em for 10 hours and still couldn't get em soft.
Put some water in a pot and add copious amounts of salt, and any
other seasoning you want. Cajun seasoning is good. Crab seasoning
like Old Bay works too (not my favorite) . Garlic works real well.
Wash dem peanuts real good, get all the dirt off.
pick out any open or damaged shells.
Get yer turkey burner out and cover the peanuts with water
and the seasoning. Bring it to a boil, and simmer for an hour.
Stir it a few times...the peanut are different sizes, and the small
ones will cook faster...when the absorb water, they will sink to the bottom. After an hour, get you some kind of dipping device that will
drain the hot brine out, and start tasting. You want a soft shell that
will kind of bite apart, letting the nuts roll into your mouth. Don't anybody start making jokes about that last line.
When they start to get tender, turn off the heat and let em soak for a while as they cool down....then drain and eat or freeze/fridge.
When they dry roasted they are a nut. When they boiled, the are
a big pea. don't know where they got the name peanut from.