Borden's Dairy

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Dec 6, 2009
Mid-Atlantic, USA
My great-grandmother owned and operated a tiny dairy. My father worked for Borden's as a milkman. I recently received several items that came from both dairies. For Borden, I have several cookbooks that promoted Borden items along with glasses and mugs that feature Elsie, Elmer, Beulah, and Beauregard.

Here is a recipe from Borden's 1949 "Quick and Easy" cook booklet that I remember my mother making: Chicken Paprika, which was company-worthy back in the day. So delicious and exotic. ;)

1 frying chicken (2 1/2 - 3 1/2 pounds), cut up
1/4 cup salad oil or fat
1/3 cup finely diced onion
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon paprika
1/4 cup hot water
1 cup Borden's Sour Cream
1 tablespoon flour
1 1/2 tablespoons Borden's Milk
1 tablespoon lemon juice

Wash chicken and dry. Use neck, back, wing tips for chicken broth. Melt fat, add onion and cook until tender, over the low heat. Remove onion, add chicken and brown in remaining fat, on all sides. Blend salt, paprika, and hot water with onion and add to chicken in skillet. Cover, simmer over low heat for 30-40 minutes, or until tender. Remove chicken from skillet to a hot platter. Keep hot. Add Sour Cream to pan drippings and liquid, and heat. Stir in flour blended in cold milk. Cook until thickened, while stirring. Add lemon juice and blend. Pour over chicken. Serves 4-6.

While I am sure you could substitute another brand of milk and sour cream, you should simply not expect it to be so fabulous because "If it's Borden's, It's got to be good!" :rolleyes:

I've been into seeking old cookbook-lets and Borden's has a special place in my heart. :)

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The Worcester MA newspaper (Telegram & Gazette) recently had an article about the Borden family farm. It was recently purchased by a MA native who is planning on more public availability to the farm and buildings since it is such a historic part of central MA. If anyone is interested in "visiting" the Elm Hill Farm you can find the link here: Event Venue | Brookfield, MA
The Worcester MA newspaper (Telegram & Gazette) recently had an article about the Borden family farm. It was recently purchased by a MA native who is planning on more public availability to the farm and buildings since it is such a historic part of central MA. If anyone is interested in "visiting" the Elm Hill Farm you can find the link here: Event Venue | Brookfield, MA
In the link it refers to the farm as originally being called The Morgan Horse Farm. Would that be THE Morgan Horse farm established in the the early 1900s by the US Govt?

Edit: Skip the above. I went and looked up the Govt. Morgan Horse Farm and it's in Vermont (now owned by Vermont University). Should have checked.
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I think Elm Hill gave over one of the "Elsie" cows. I have several things with Elsie on them. Hair barrettes, glasses, etc. There is a photo of me as a child wearing an Elsie Baby Bib. It was such a cute campaign.

Here is another recipe from the 1949 Quick and Easy Cookbooklet.

Duchess Cheese Soup

1/2 cup of finely minced onion
3 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons flour
2 teaspoons salt
1/2 teaspoon celery salt
dash of cayenne
4 cups Borden's Milk
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 1/4 cup finely diced carrots
1 cup finely diced celery
1 cup grated Borden's Cheddar Cheese
1/4 cup minced parsley

Cook onion in butter over low heat about 5 minutes, while stirring. Add flour, seasonings and blend. Gradually add milk, while stirring. cook over hot water (or very low heat) until smooth and thickened, stirring constantly. Add Worcestershire sauce. Meanwhile, cook diced carrots and celery in boiling water to cover, about 10 minutes. Add with liquor to soup. Blend. Stir in cheese, cooking over boiling water until melted. Fold in minced parsley. Serve hot, sprinkled with a little grated cheese or minced parsley. Serves 6.

I might cut the salt and make this one!

Kathleen, the Chicken Paprika and the Cheese Soup sounds so good! Copied and saved. :yum:

Kayelle, I put your link to Vintage Recipes in my favorites. Love reading those!

Thanks to you both. :)
It's good to be back, Kayelle! And thank you for the link! I do love vintage recipes. They are so fun to read! "Add butter the size of a hen's egg and mash well into a paste."

Cheryl, when remembering as a child, the chicken paprika was yummy. I don't think I've made the cheese soup though. I know PF will give us the update if she makes it though. :LOL:
I'm not mentioning it to Shrek until after I have had a shower...he will be sending me off for the right cheese to make it. He loves cheese soup.
I too really love vintage cookbooks and pamphlets, it's so cool to see what used to be "exotic" or what was trendy to serve at dinner parties.
I'll pick up the cheese on the way home tomorrow. Shrek wants it on Tuesday, his traditional cheese soup day...
PF, I want a review of the soup!

Bakechef, I'm the same way. It's just fun. :)

This was a fantastic cheese soup. I loved it and Shrek was over the moon. Adding bacon crumbles to the next batch. That will be on Tuesday, again.

Yum, Thanks!
I remember listening to the radio and Borden's was the sponsor. Elsie was the spokesperson along with Elmer and it was a big event when the newest members on her family came along. They had contests to name them.

I love Jersey cows. Their milk is so rich and smooth. :angel:
This was a fantastic cheese soup. I loved it and Shrek was over the moon. Adding bacon crumbles to the next batch. That will be on Tuesday, again.

Yum, Thanks!

And now...I want cheese soup and I love bacon with cheese! Thanks for the review, PF. I've found Borden's had many good recipes. :yum:

I remember listening to the radio and Borden's was the sponsor. Elsie was the spokesperson along with Elmer and it was a big event when the newest members on her family came along. They had contests to name them.

I love Jersey cows. Their milk is so rich and smooth. :angel:

I loved the bantering cartoons between Elsie & Elmer. And between Beulah and Beauregard! I think I actually have a contest form here for one of them. Such a simpler time! :rolleyes:
And now...I want cheese soup and I love bacon with cheese! Thanks for the review, PF. I've found Borden's had many good recipes. :yum:

I loved the bantering cartoons between Elsie & Elmer. And between Beulah and Beauregard! I think I actually have a contest form here for one of them. Such a simpler time! :rolleyes:

Kathleen, a lot of younger folks thought that Elsie and Elmer along with their kids were really people and not cows. The banter was so real. :angel:
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