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Master Chef
Nov 10, 2010
Ottawa Valley, Ontario, Canada
Been getting into home charcuterie...So far I've made pancetta a few times, bacon, salami, all with decent results . Lots of room for improvement but, generally it came out edible and safe...this time is Bresaola..cuts of lean beef..I used inside round pieces..salt cure solution for a week, then I will rinse it and add another cure for another week..then it gets wrapped in cheese cloth, tied up and hung for two that the insane last few months are over and we're still standing, I'll try and keep you posted


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Here's a pancetta I made a while is surpringly easy...just follow the steps and keep an eye on things...the kids love it..makes great carbonara or fry a bit up for omelettes..


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Slick, Roch. Planning a charcuterie platter soon?

Lol..probably not..I only make one thing at a time and give most of it away to is too few and far between to fill a platter..the winter is coming and won't be able to use the fridge in the garage as everything freezes for months..I have limited room in the house fridge..the basement is too warm to cure meat...
Nice, Roch! Maybe you could make enough to give as Christmas gifts to the kids. You know, if you move that garage fridge down to the basement you can keep this up all winter...
Nice, Roch! Maybe you could make enough to give as Christmas gifts to the kids. You know, if you move that garage fridge down to the basement you can keep this up all winter...

I wish I could fit the fridge down there..This is an old post war house..doors and basement stairs are too narrow..we had to buy apartment sized washer and dryer to fit down there..I may get a small bar fridge if I can see one at a decent price but, I'm also running out of room in my small basement..
It looks delicious! And interesting! I'd love to hear more like how did you get started, etc.

I've always loved cured meats since way back when I was introduced to them while living in Italy..seeing many homes with stuff hanging in their kitchens, made me realize that it's not as hard as many books and videos make it out to be..I have a foodie family that loves to snack on such things so every time we get together people bring new things that we can all enjoy...I don't need the sodium so I usually give about 75% of the stuff I make away and just have a couple of snacks myself..I also shrink wrap and freeze some of it so I can space out the time between consumption..I'll always have pieces of pancetta in the freezer for when we get a craving for carbonara or I want some for a sauce or a elevates a dish and I love the anticipation while waiting and checking it for it to be's fun..
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It's been a week..Here are two is right out of the bag, and the other is after it has been washed in cold water and ready for another application of salt cure...back in for another week, then next Sunday I will clean it and wrap it in cheese cloth, bind it up and hang it..


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I've always loved cured meats since way back when I was introduced to them while living in Italy..seeing many homes with stuff hanging in their kitchens, made me realize that it's not as hard as many books and videos make it out to be..I have a foodie family that loves to snack on such things so every time we get together people bring new things that we can all enjoy...I don't need the sodium so I usually give about 75% of the stuff I make away and just have a couple of snacks myself..I also shrink wrap and freeze some of it so I can space out the time between consumption..I'll always have pieces of pancetta in the freezer for when we get a craving for carbonara or I want some for a sauce or a elevates a dish and I love the anticipation while waiting and checking it for it to be's fun..

Where would you recommend someone who is interested to get started? Website? Blog? Book?
All of the above, really..I bought a book a while back called Charcuterie. It has become a good guide even though I ended up not being fond of some of the recipes...I have been watching YouTube also..trying to tailor techniques that are basic and to my liking..which is something I believe that the easiest recipes are the best..people can make it seem don't want to downplay the risks, but some of the practices are a bit excessive, but do probably ensure better results if you want to adhere to them..after a few times, you start to feel more confident and realize it isn't that hard to cure something, but the challenge comes to produce the quality you see in the deli's and meat shops..There is one guy on Youtube that I like..he is an Italian guy who does small batches that seem to me very basic and easy...probably close to the original ways it was done many years confirms to me that it isn't that hard..then, you can take it from there and find many steps and techniques to add if it's something you wish to do..He has a lot of different charcuterie videos and makes it look very easy...then, like any recipe you can take it from there.
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And , just for the record, I don’t really know what I’m doing. Just started this about 6 months ago. This is the first time making the Bresaola, so it may go south...I’ll keep reporting no matter what happens.. wish me luck..
I would be happy to taste test for you.

Only about 2 hours away and I'm sure taxy would love to join me.

Just let us know when it's ready!
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