Canning navel oranges

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Master Chef
Mar 25, 2008
We picked up 32 lbs of navel oranges for less than $8. Canned them in quarts, 14 quarts.

If we can get more oranges we'll can more. I can see snacking on oranges. Oranges with rice. Oranges added to stir fried veggies. Oranges in smoothies. Oranges added to banana nice-cream (blended frozen). Orange zucchini bread. Honey glazed orange slices broiled.

Mr bliss helps by peeling them, and then I separate them and can them.
We're in Wisconsin and we don't usually see good prices on citrus. We see snow, and frozen tundra 5 months of the year.
Are you saving any of the orange zest? I often use a potato peeler to remove strips of zest from citrus. I let them air dry and then put them in a jar. I often use some in a pasta sauce and pull them out when the pasta sauce is done. It adds a lovely note. They can also be ground with a whirly blade grinder once they are dry, if desired.
Taxlady, I would, but I have candied citrus peels I made, on hand. (I fillet off the pith, so they are thin and just rind first) Grated rind, frozen. Dehydrated slices. Dehydrated rind without pith. (used in teas) Like I said, I would but I have.

We picked up another 20 bags, so we are continuing to can. We canned more, 16 pints. More to do tomorrow.
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