Christmas Prime Rib

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Green Hornet

Head Chef
Jan 20, 2006
Port st. Lucie, Florida
My wife decided to do a Ham this year in the oven. She also found a good deal on a 3 rib roast. I used Worchestershire sauce and Montreal seasonings overnight, in the fridge. Between 325 and 350 and pulled it off at 135*. Everyone likes the meat well done except for me so I had no real choice there, I would have prefered to pull it off between 125 and 130. Still it came out nice and moist.


Had enough left over to slice real thin for some lunch sammies today!
Great looking rib roast.Everybody in my family likes beef medium and well done too. All the beef I cook gets cooked to medium rare. After it rests I will cut it and cook it in a skillet or throw it back on the grill to their desired doneness.
Man, another rib roast. I'm with you Cappy.... I have to try to make one very soon or I going to go crazy...Killer lookin Rib roast
What Cap and Sapo said!!
Where the hell you been man??
Good seeing you back around. ;)
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