Easy different and so tasty Heat your oven to 400. Combine 1 Tab. lemon juice and 1 Tab. Worchestershire and sprinkle on 2 lbs of cod cut into 6 pieces. salt and pepper the fish then dredge lightly in 1/2 cup flour Now dip fish in3 lightly beaten eggs then coalt with 1 cup or grated parm and be generous. In heavy skillet saute fish in a mix of1 tab. butter and 3 Tab of veggie oil over med heat for 3-4 min to brown. Place skillet in oven to heat through taking about 4-5 min serve immediatly some lemon squeezed over your fish is great and at time I make a tartar sauce using several cloves of roasted garlic, mayo, diced dill midget pickles,Worcestershire mix well keep cold. I love this with garlic mashed potatoes, peas and sauteed mushrooms and a small salad of any cold in season fruit