Colored circles

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 12, 2011
What's the deal with the colored balls by the avatars? Am I being shunned? Some are red, some green, mine's yellow. Couldn't find any explanation on the website.
Red is offline, green is online, yours is currently pale blue, which is invisible, meaning your name won't show in the list of power users, except to the mods & administrators, even though you can still post.

If you hover your cursor over it, it will tell you.
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Phew! Thanks! Mostly I use the IPad app, which doesn't have the same features or access as the full PC version.
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Phew! Thanks! Mostly I use the IPad app, which doesn't have the same features or access as the full PC version.

Don't feel bad, I had to ask too, in fact, I didn't know (or notice) about the light blue. I just found out when I hovered over it that you had elected the invisibility option.

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