First time making Apple Crisp.

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Perhaps than 1 stick of butter and closer to 1/6th cup coconut oil?
There are other differences. I really suggest trying it the way it's written first, before trying to adjust a recipe. If you really don't want butter in the crumble, look for a recipe that doesn't have any, one that was written and tested with something else.
I'm not understanding. Butter makes you gag, that I can understand. But when it is used to make a crumble on the top of something - You don't actually taste butter, maybe the salt - more importantly - nor would you notice the texture of the butter as it is a binder with the oats and brown sugar. Not like if it was a spread on a piece of bread.
Do you think you might be able to explain please?
It doesn't taste like butter on popcorn. It just tastes a lot richer. It tastes heavier. Like I can feel the fat in the back of my throat. Slippery. I think coconut oil would taste a bit fresher if it tastes at all.
There are other differences. I really suggest trying it the way it's written first, before trying to adjust a recipe. If you really don't want butter in the crumble, look for a recipe that doesn't have any, one that was written and tested with something else.
I already did before I asked for alternatives.
Personally I would think the coconut oil would make me gag, can't imagine it becoming part of the crumble. But there yuh go. To each their own.
Think you've gotten about as many answers as we can give.
Have you tried the Vegan recipes?
Personally I would think the coconut oil would make me gag, can't imagine it becoming part of the crumble. But there yuh go. To each their own.
Think you've gotten about as many answers as we can give.
Have you tried the Vegan recipes?
Not yet, but the vegan recipe called for allspice and the apple pieces were left bigger which I'm not sure I'd like. Maybe some maple syrup couldn't hurt though.
You can leave allspice out, don't know what the other spices that are called for but there are lots of spices that go well with apples.
Same with the size, cut them to size you like. But if cut too small might disintegrate into applesauce if you're not careful. Check the times of the larger cuts with the times of the smaller ones to see if there's a big difference.
For us, we avoid any added butter/lard/oils but a nut like walnuts can be processed until a nut butter, or at least chopped finely. This would replace some of the fats.

For a crumble, much like granola, mixing oats and apple sauce (or pear sauce or any cooked down fruit), and nuts, will essentially be a topping.
If you make it wet, it will be soggy, if you make it moist, it will be both chewy and crumbly, if you make it dry it will be crumbly. That texture changes somewhat connected to the baking apples in it, and then it will also change when you store it.

So ideally we make it moist, eat it right after baking for chewy and crispy. At least have the expectation it will become less crispy when you store it.
I did 1 stick of butter instead of 1.5 and added 1/4 cup maple syrup, used the 8 by 8 pan, and baked 60 minutes. Might do 55 or 50 minutes next time, but otherwise I think it turned out well. Might add more spice in future. Five apples weighted 1lb, 10oz this time. Was 3oz lighter last time.


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A family friend makes a real good apple crisp. She says she uses fewer ingredients, tarter apples (and one more), and is very much in the butter usage camp. Lol. Not even sure she adds much sugar.


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Does anyone know the necessity of corn starch in the original recipe? I'd like to simplify the recipe if possible.
Does anyone know the necessity of corn starch in the original recipe? I'd like to simplify the recipe if possible.
It thickens the filling. Most apple pie or crisp recipes use a thickener or the filling can be a watery mess.

its really not a good idea to “simplify” a recipe until you are comfortable with how it works.
It thickens the filling. Most apple pie or crisp recipes use a thickener or the filling can be a watery mess.

its really not a good idea to “simplify” a recipe until you are comfortable with how it works.
It hasn't worked yet, and it's kind of watery as is. Even when I forgot to add the lemon juice.

I replaced 1/2 stick of butter with 1/4 cup coconut oil. I like the flavor better this way. I cooked for 45 minutes instead of the recipe's 55 to 70 minutes. The apples were completely cooked, but the oats were still on the dry side. Perhaps the oat mix needs to be soaked in something for a few hours to break it down a bit before using it on top? It need not be a quintessential apple crisp. I just want it to seem completely finished.
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